Quantitative research, meaning quantity, relies mainly on gathering statistical analysis to gather reliable evidence. There are several different methods of gathering quantitative results, these include: cluster analysis –grouping together a group of subjects that are similar to each other yet different from other groups and analyzing them, correlation and dependence analysis –analyzing the statistical relationship between random variables, multivariate statistics –using statistics to observe and analyze more than one consequence variable, regression analysis –appraising the relationship between variables, structural equation modeling –a technique for examining and approximating fundamental relationships through a mixture of statistical information and qualitative casual predictions, and through the use of surveys and questionnaires. The results generated from these types of research will give us a generalized answer to a question, however we cannot gather reasons or in depth evaluation of the solutions presented.
While Qualitative research, meaning quality, focuses on understanding a phenomena through direct observation and research stressing appropriate subjective accuracy rather than generalizations. There are several different methods in order to gather qualitative results, but the most common include: case study –a non-experimental descriptive in-depth study about a subject, unstructured interview –an interview that was not prearranged allowing for spontaneous/follow-up questions, participant observation –establishing a close and familiar relationship with a subject through involvement in their environment over a long period of time, analytic induction –an organized inspection of the resemblances between several social phenomena so as to be able to cultivate hypothesis or notions, morphological analysis –inspecting all likely answers to a multifaceted, non-quantified intricate issue. With these methods used to conduct a research, we are able to discover solutions to our hypothesis with a particular group or subject with in-depth understanding of the reasoning for the results presented, however we are unable
By: Mariam El Rayes