But until recently theimportance of the social sciences has become crucial in order to better help our understanding of why certain people react in a certain way in a certain situation.
Social sciences began in the early 19th century with the positivist philosophy of science, which is concerned with all the postulations, bases, procedures, hypothesis of science, and with the use and importance of science. Though, since the mid-20th century, social science became a generalized reference, not just referring to ‘sociology’, but all those disciplines that study society and culture.
nowadays; they cover a vast range of topics from politics to economics, from history to law and from psychology to sociology. They help us understand the relationship between a society and members of a society to a certain topic.
ocial sciences have become a huge factor in our lives
Mariam El Rayes
Social Science: A Brief History
However, there appears to be some evidence of social science before the 19th century. Hints and the development of social sciences can be seen as far back as the middle ages and the Medieval Islamic civilization, with Al-Biruni writing thorough analyses on the anthropology of people’s faiths and societies and Ibn Khaldun who studied a range of topics including demography, sociology and economics. In the early modern period several people wrote about economic topics and discussing it as something for public good, as well as Thomas Hobbes’ finding of a relationship between politics and science, he argued that logical reasoning from axioms shaped a scientific background, therefore his Leviathan was a scientific explanation of a political republic. Thomas Hobbes’ argument lead to a domino-effect of deductions, especially in the 19-th century, where Isaac Newton was able to change the basis with which people were able to understand what was ‘scientific’. In the 19-th century philosophers took mathematical expression of philosophical