Omar Tarek
From the beginning of human civilization humans have been experimenting with iron alloys to reach
the perfect strong metal. however, it was not till late 1913 when an English metallurgist accidently
came across what we may consider today the world's most useful iron alloy: stainless steel. As we all
might know, Iron as found in nature is a really soft metal which is just bendable by hand called iron.
Metals before were cooked using a heating technique, which consisted of heating two metals until they
melt and then pour the mixture into a mould to take the wanted shape and wait till it cools down. However this melting technique if applied to iron the iron turns brittle and will be so easy to break. Later on
The Hittites a tribe which lived in Turkey 1300BC, discovered that when iron is over heated in a bed of
charcoal, it changed the iron characteristics making it very tuff and could take on much more heat.