School Work Media Kit | CMST 2PR3 | IFFT | Page 16

About Us
About Us
Victor Cheng has a very unique and
as an asset to planning the International
Fashion Festival Toronto 2013 . He was a co-ordinator of the 2011 McMaster Fashion Show and is currently involved with the production of the 2012 McMaster Fashion Show . He will use his extensive background in fashion to ensure everything that must be planned for the fashion festival is covered . Victor has experience with photography , photoshop , and graphic design . Mostly , he is in charge of the visual aspects of the fashion festival ; such as photographs showcasing the models for the event and planning the lighting with QEntertainment .
Stephanie Gurrieri is in charge of the social media coverage of the International Fashion Festival Toronto 2013 . She controls the Twitter and Facebook accounts and uses them to reach out to the key demographic . By keeping the accounts up to date and answering any questions that the public has , Stephanie takes full advantage of social media as a platform to facilitate twoway communication between the client and the public . She created a QR code that the interested public could scan to view more information about the Fashion Festival . Stephanie also contacted the various sponsors and kept relations with them . She made sure that they were happy with their representation in the Fashion Festival .