At South Craven School we believe that every member of the school community is entitled to realise his or
her potential in all aspects of school life free from humiliation, oppression and abuse. We do not tolerate
bullying and all reported incidents are taken seriously.
What is bullying?
“Bullying is the wilful, conscious act of threatening, hurting or frightening someone else”.
There are various different types of bullying:
1. Physical
2. Verbal
- punching, kicking, pushing, stealing, and damaging belongings.
- name calling, mockery, offensive remarks, threats, racist language and homophobic
3. Psychological - spreading unpleasant stories, exclusion from social groups, intimidation and graffiti.
4. Cyber
- use of ICT to deliberately upset someone, including harassment, threats and insults.
Can be via social network sites, e-mail, applications, mobile phones, gaming sites
and chat rooms.
What is done?
adults in school, parents and students should be aware of the following signs of bullying:
Deterioration of work.
Sudden change in attitude.
Desire to remain at home or with adults.
Being on their own.
Increase in minor illness.
Becoming withdrawn.
Possessions disappearing.
Upset after using internet or mobile phones.
Throughout the school all students are taught about managing their own personal wellbeing through the
social education curriculum, work is done on maintaining positive relationships, resisting bullying,
recognising how certain behaviours affect other people, being assertive and managing conflicts with
confidence. This work compliments tutorial and assembly delivery about current bullying issues and trends.
All staff should:
Be available and willing to listen to students.
Be vigilant around school, especially before school, at break and at lunchtimes.
Encourage students to tell if bullying happens and ensure all students know bullying is not tolerated in
Record and report any bullying to HOYs or DOLAs using a report form when appropriate.
Stop and deal with any incidents of bullying immediately.
Tutors, HOYs and DOLAs should:
Discourage bullying via assemblies and tutor form time.
Contact School Nurse or other agencies where appropriate.
Help students think about strategies to use and to deal with bullying behaviour.
Inform parents or carers of victims and bullies as is necessary.