Saudi Aramco: The Future of Oil and Gas - GineersNow Petroleum Saudi Aramco, The Future of Oil & Gas Industry | Page 24

By renting power plants, oil & gas companies, like ConocoPhillips, EOG Resources and Anadarko, will no longer need to invest a huge amount towards the construction and operation of a permanent facility, and will no longer have to grapple with substantial upfront costs. Oil & gas companies can conveniently pay for the rented electricity from their operational profits, and can easily plan for their financial allocation throughout the project, because payment schedules are fixed and regular over a contracted term. Once the project is over, the rented power plants can be rapidly demobilized by the power provider, thus leaving no permanent power facility not utilized or that will require further maintenance and service. At the height of the downturn, oil & gas companies had to streamline operations to survive the recession. This resulted in massive job cuts, estimated to have affected more than 100,000 through November 2016. On a positive note, the lay-offs have ebbed in recent months, and encouraging numbers of oil-related postings for oil-producing states have started to manifest. But, despite the gradual 22 Construction Leaders • April 2017 increase in manpower requirements within the energy industry, most oil & gas companies remain lean and conservative in recruiting new employees. This is another area where renting power can prove to be advantageous. A full temporary power service includes expert manpower to install, operate, maintain and service the power plants throughout the project. This means, oil and gas companies will not need to hire, re-train or transfer employees to manage the power plants. Marching on to the future The oil & gas industry has proven time and again that it has the ability to reinvent itself in the face of challenging times. The tough last couple of years have prompted the oil & gas sector to tighten its belt in order to thrive in an environment of repressed oil prices. Looking to the future, the emerging oil & gas industry will largely depend on how it reacts to its new reality. With the appropriate business strategies and responses to prevailing industry issues, a more resilient sector can emerge from the rubbles of the downturn.