Saudi Aramco: The Future of Oil and Gas - GineersNow Petroleum Saudi Aramco, The Future of Oil & Gas Industry | Page 23

in specific aspects of the operating environment. Such a collaboration offers the opportunity to leverage the specialties of the various entities involved. It furthermore ensures that each relevant process within the operation is looked after by companies most able to manage them. This is exemplified in the partnership of international oil companies and specialists, like British Petroleum (BP) and exploration company Kosmos to seek assets in Mauritania and Senegal. Then, there are oil-field services providers, like Schlumberger, Halliburton and Petrofac, which aligned with various oil & gas producers to offer their integrated field management services. Oil & gas entities are also partnering with power services provider to ensure the continuous supply of electricity to their operations wherever they may be. The importance of electric power in oil & gas facilities cannot be understated, and by collaborating with reputable power providers, oil & gas companies can increase their production, avoid downtime and enhance operational efficiencies while minimizing operational expenditure. A shift to shorter-cycle projects At the height of the downturn, the industry saw a staggering USD 620 billion worth of projects through 2020 deferred or cancelled. This fact epitomized the real risks of operating within the industry amidst the prevailing market situation. This, therefore, prompted oil & gas companies to train their sights on more viable shorter-cycle projects. For oil & gas companies, dealing with shorter- cycle projects entailed a new mindset, a heightened attention to capital allocation and more innovative ways of doing business. For example, in shorter-term projects, it may no longer make sense to devote a large chunk of capital to permanent facilities, like power generation systems, which will only serve for a limited time. In this case, instead of building their own power plants, oil & gas companies can choose to rent temporary power plants for the duration of the project. Oil & Gas Leaders • April 2017 21