Saudi Aramco: The Future of Oil and Gas - GineersNow Petroleum Saudi Aramco, The Future of Oil & Gas Industry | Page 22

A Perspective on the Future of the Oil & Gas Industry: Towards a New Reality With the green shoots emerging, the oil & gas industry may have reasons to hope for, and perhaps foresee, better times ahead. Optimism is gradually creeping in the oil & gas industry. Towards the end of 2016, the industry witnessed developments that herald a promising future for oil & gas. For instance, OPEC members and a number of non-OPEC producers have agreed to cut production, rig counts were steadily rising and the US natural gas sector continued to claw as it spurs the US’ rise as a global LNG exporter. M&A and divestiture activities have also started picking up. With the green shoots finally emerging, the industry may have reasons to hope for, and to some extent foresee, better times ahead. The general confidence, however, does come with caution. The industry and allied stakeholders admit that the recent downturn will leave long- term effects in a number of aspects within the oil and gas sector. Therefore, the collective opinion is that moving forward, the industry will be defined by the way it adopts to the changes and responds to the salient issues confronting the sector. Below, we take a look at a few talking points (on partnerships, shortening project cycles and manpower) and shed light on certain business and operational strategies that oil & gas companies may espouse. Strategic partnerships with specialists The industry is increasingly seeing new forms of business alliances. The industry once dominated by generalist companies (or those that discover, develop and operate an oil or gas field and provide all other