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Why Do Students Choose Chemical Engineering Have you ever wondered why students pursue Chemical Engineering? Have you ever wondered why students pursue Chemical Engineering? Well, here are a few reasons as to why students choose such a hell- driven major: ‘Chemical Engineering is like Chemistry’ Most of the Chemical Engineering students have the misconception that Chemical Engineering is equal to Chemistry. Students, who are good at and even like Chemistry, hence choose Chemical Engineering as their major, thinking that there will be a lot of Chemistry involved. Well, first of all, there is hardly any Chemistry involved. Even if there is, it’s unfortunately the worst subjects of Chemistry like Physical chemistry and Organic chemistry. Students will literally think,’ Why did I like Chemistry again?’. The major is mostly concentrated on applying concepts from Physics and Maths, and so, there is hardly any room for Chemistry. The concepts from both Physics and Maths are basically mixed together, heated up to the point of boiling and then poured onto the students, hence, burning them. Therefore, get it out of your mind that Chemical Engineering involves a lot of Chemistry. One of 44 Construction Leaders • April 2017 the basic things the major teaches us is, how to produce those chemicals on an industrial scale. It will definitely teach students about Chemistry, for example, what’s happening to the chemicals and why its happening. However, it will mostly be focused on the atomic and the molecular level of the chemicals, all the more, making it worse for us students. Parents’ Pressure/Legacy In Asia, or should I say South Asia, parents sometimes choose the majors for their children. In the engineering department, some of the students are purely doing the major for their parents. Most of the parents have a desire to make their children become doctors and engineers. Their desire is like a force. They will want it for their children in such a way, that the ‘want’ will orient the children more towards that field, making them believe that they are eligible for it. Some will pay any amount to get their children in that particular field. Sometimes, it’s also the siblings. If one sibling can do Chemical Engineering, then why not the other?