of concentration camps. It was
claimed that almost 20,000 camps
of various sizes were created by
the Nazis, which allowed them to
imprison, sort and murder large
numbers of people with ruthless
efficiency. The most infamous of
all concentration camps, Aus-
chwitz-Birkenau in Poland. It is
claimed that this particular concen-
tration camp is responsible for the
deaths of an estimated one million
If we emphasize on the
number of people that were killed
in Auschwitz, it is not even human-
ly possible for them to have killed
and cremated one million at Aus-
chwitz with the facilities that they
had. If we look at the official ver-
sion of events where they claimed
that they did have the capability
to kill that many people, they did
ha ve the infrastructure to accom-
modate these German Nazis back
in the 1940s to 1950s. They claimed
that at its peak, Auschwitz had 52
cremation ovens and that they said
that they have the documentation
that those ovens were able to cre-
mate 4756 bodies per day. Because
they have to have these huge num-
bers per day in order to reach that
one million figure.
And this means, that they
were cremating more than 91 peo-
ple per day in a single oven each.
Here’s the problem if they are burn-
ing four people in each oven per
hour. They are claiming according
to the official version that they were
able to cremate four people at once,
basically telling it only took 15 min-
utes to cremate a whole body. That
is simply not humanly possible.
However, in actual fact at a local
mortuary it would take two and a
half hours to cremate a dead body
completely and this is by computer
controlled; 1800 degrees Fahrenheit
using 21st century technology ov-
ens. But we are supposed to believe
that an oven back in the 1940’s are
able to cremate dead bodies at a
rate of one on every 15 minutes.
Why were the cremation
oven installed back in those days?
Well, typically it was for cremating
dead bodies, people who fell ill and
died, people who died during the
World War II. It happened during
that era of time. People were mur-
dered and slaughtered for variety of
reasons. Not only that, it is claimed
that the gas chambers were to gas
2,000 people at once in Auschwitz.
During the early years of the
Holocaust, carbon monoxide was
used in the infamous gas chambers.
However, an insecticide in the form
of a pellet Zyklon B, was developed
which proved to be even deadlier.
“They have absolutely
been the driving
force behind the
horrific destruction of
The pellets were dropped into the
chamber where they released a
highly toxic gas to kill those inside
the death camps. But then again,
were those even be humanly possi-
ble back during the days? With the
lack of technology advancement
back in those days, at that rate you
are never going to reach the one
million figure that they are trying
to claim. This can only mean that
all they claimed was a total lie. The
only reason that they are making
these outrageous claims is because
they are trying hard to convince the
world to buy their story of ethnic
cleansing of Jews and sympathize
them. It has already been demon-
strated mathematically that the
official version does not make any
sense at Auschwitz. It is impossible
to have cremated and gassed those
lives at that rate with the ancient
equipment they had during those
poor machinery innovation days.
One of the “self-pro-
claimed” survivors admitted that he
had fabricated his stories of the tor-
turing in Auschwitz and over-em-
bellished the fact. In 2016, a man in
Pennsylvania claimed for years to
have escaped from Auschwitz, met
track and field star, Jesse Owens
and Nazi doctor, Josef Mengele, had
just admitted that he had made-up
the entire story. “I am writing today
to apologize publicly for harm
caused to anyone because of my in-
serting myself into the descriptions
of life in Auschwitz,” Joseph Hirt,
86, wrote in a letter sent to his local
paper, LNP, in the same year. He
also added, “I was not a prisoner
there. I did not intend to lessen or
overshadow the events which truly
happened there by falsely claiming
to have been personally involved. I
was wrong. I ask forgiveness.”
For several years, Hirt had
given public speeches about his
experiences in the World War II,
including his Jewish family’s flight
from Poland to Belgrade. Adding
more to his lies, he told people
that he was arrested by the Nazis,
sent to the concentration camp at
Auschwitz, and met Mengele, the
SS physician who tortured prison-
ers of the concentration camp. Hirt
claimed to have escaped under an
electric fence at the camp.
Hirt is not the first to fab-
ricate or exaggerate a Holocaust
story, worrying historians who
fear these voices encourage people
who deny the deaths of six million
people. “This was not Holocaust
education but miseducation,” he