Women of the SS concentration
camp of Bergen-Belsen unload
the corpses of prisoners for
The Arabs were Germany’s natural
allies, because they had the same
enemies – the Jews
being portrayed as liars, cunning
and sly people.
Even as of today, the Jew-
ish minority still manipulate and
deceive people through media.
Dr David Duke, an anti-Semitic
conspiracy theorist and a Holocaust
denier has also mentioned in one
of his radio interviews that – the
proof for those who are not yet
awakened from this programmed
cycle of life dictated by the higher
level of authority from the Jews –
is the New York Times which of
course is one of the oldest Jewish
controlled newspaper in Ameri-
ca. “It’s also a paper that has been
totally in favour of the great wars
that have killed tens and millions of
Europeans”, said Dr Duke. By using
a discrete way, the Jews in fact have
taken over the American Elite. It is
no surprise that if someone ought
to claim that the Big Six Media
companies such as Walt Disney,
Warner Bros, Universal Studio, Fox
and others are owned by wealthy
influential Jews because they are
in control of the media platform
behind closed curtains.
“Because not only have they
brainwashed us from behind the
gates, basically telling us to hate
ourselves, in fact poisoning our
own people with lie, controlling the
politicians and bribing them, influ-
encing them but also they are also
the root of evil in creating these
insane wars”, assumed Dr Duke
also in his recent interview. One of
the wars he was referring to is the
Based on The History, the
word “Holocaust,” were originat-
ed from the Greek words “holos”
(whole) and “kaustos” (burned), it
was a brief description on a sacri-
ficial offering burned on an altar.
Since 1945, the word has taken on a
new and horrific meaning: the mass
murder of approximately 6 million
European Jews by the German Nazi
rule during the Second World War.
The Jews were willing to sacrifice
part of their tribe in order to gain
control and power over the world
by igniting the spark of World War
II. The massacre also includes
minority groups, such as Gypsies
and homosexuals. But really, did
all 6 million Jews were killed in the
Holocaust? According to Steven
Anderson, co-producer of March-
ing the Zion, he highlighted that
the number six is foreordained and
the Jews have a strong belief on that
particular number that only they
could understand. That six million
figure is seemed to be a so-called
“magic number” to the Jews. It is
not really based on real history sci-
ence. It is only foreordained.
Not only that, based on
Encyclopedia of Camps and Ghet-
tos, 1933–1945, over 42,000 camps,
ghettos, and other detention sites
were established. Could it have
been over-exaggerated? We have
no idea who these people really are,
who edited the information claim-
ing this and that. The idea of people
stereotyping the Nazis as some
dictatorial violent party that only
desired for a blood bath to the Eu-
ropean Jews should come to a clear
discussion. There might be a reason
to why Adolf Hitler hated the Jews
so much to the extent where he
exerted to genocide killing of a
specific ethnic.
The Holocaust was claimed
to be so quick and effective in its
mass murder through the use