sometimes, it is only a partial of the
truth where the purported facts are
lacking some of information. And
the third one is the news that causes
Donald Trump discomfort.
It explained that the first
kind of fake news is basically a de- ly pivotal to check the source of the
story and decide whether it is cred-
itable. It can be done in many ways,
for instance, try to check the web-
site whether it is legit and check the
Second is where you need dramatic with numbers.
It is true that the term ‘fake
news’ have been used since the
late 1800s and during that time
the meaning was clear cut defining
false news. But now, fake news has
obtained in depth about the defini-
tion. We have yet so many more that
need to be defined than we have the
sources or time to even do so. Plus,
finding out the truth out of a story
might consume a lot of time and ef-
fort and both leads to cost you mon-
ey but once you have found the real
liberate lies which has been stim-
ulate by power of social media in
making such information go viral.
Meanwhile, the third one is not fake
news at all. It is just simply news that
some people disfavour in acknowl-
edging it and just wish to keep quiet
over it.
Can you imagine that if big
media outlets produce and publish
fake news? And we as a passive au-
diences take that as what it is with-
out finding the truth as we totally
believe of what the media said about
that one particular political par-
ty that is correct and the opposite
one is not. But there is more than
that, apart from fake news being a
rhetorical device, it is designed in-
tentionally to propel doubt towards
the audiences and change their per-
spectives towards some issues just
like how Trump did towards CNN
and other media outlets.
So how does we spot fake
news? There is a research in Shef-
field University’s Method Institute
that have been done by Dr Andrew
Bell basically on how you can spot
misleading statistics in media. First
of all, it is the most core thing where
you need to check the source every
time you read news. It is complete- to do some research to find other
website whether it is reported some-
where else or is it just that website
that cover the story. You can always
check it on fact-checking sites such
as Snopes or Or you
can just use BBC’s Reality Check
site. It would be funny and highly
dubious if the information are all
coming from the same source.
Third, you need to know
the data sources and where it come
from. For example, if there is spe-
cific figures, especially statistics you
need to make sure that the data tak-
en is from a report that have been
released by the statistical office re-
port, or maybe a research or survey
that have been conducted. That way
somehow the news will sounds con-
vincing enough for the audiences.
Last but not least, always
check the context of the news. Just
because it includes figures, it does
not mean it is the truth or legit. It
is because sometimes the writer just
want to attract the readers by being story that what makes it the truth.
What really matters here
is that we need to understand the
meaning of the words and term
before we even using it because it
could mislead others into believing
something that is not true at all. We
need to take a careful step when it
comes to share information on the
internet. Without we even realize it,
we are somehow an influencer with-
in our own social networks. There-
fore, we need to be cautious and only
post or share news that you know it
is legit and true and also come from
sources that you are believe into.
We have yet so many
more that need to
be defined than we
have the sources or
time to even do so.