Sasaran 74th Edition SASARAN EDISI 74 (20FEB18) | Page 29




The US President ’ s obsession with the fake news is bringing us nowhere . SYAFIQAH AZMAN tells the underlying truth behind the term .

How does one determine what is fake news ? Where does the term fake news come from ? And how does one differentiate fake news from a real one ? This term has started to become popular when the 2016 US presidential election , where during that time Trump stated that CNN reported that he will be working on The Apprentice during his Presidency and claimed that it was untrue and fake news on his twitter .

He tweeted that six weeks before he became the President of United States . And on February 2017 , Trump keep on using that term on his social media and it became ‘ Word of the Year ’ as it is frequently used by him said Helen Newstead , Collins ’ head of language content in an article The Sun recently . The Collins ’ Word of The Year , fake news , has been used and have risen by 365 per cent since 2016 according to The Sun article . The President of United States , Donald Trump have been using the term every single day in his tweets . There are some media outlets that
Trump has labelled as fake news such as CNN , The New York Times , The Washington Post , ABC and also CBS News .
How all of this started ? It was when the CNN ’ s Jim Acosta asked Trump during an event at the White House about why he was not holding a press conference and Trump replied with ,
Meanwhile on Twitter , Acosta himself calling out Trump ’ s press conference and claim that as fake news .
Since that , the term have been widely used non-stop as Trump listed other media outlets that are also consider as fake too . An article published by Entertainment Weekly stated that the amount of Trump using the term fake news have been 73 times since that incident happened .
In one article wrote by The Guardian , the term ‘ fake news ’ has becoming widely used and it is overused during the US presidential election year in 2016 . However , there is an argument saying that some fake news sometimes contain only a bit fake information or legit fake for a
certain reason , for instance to ridicule someone .
The Time article recently around 27th September , expressed that fake news can be defined as false news stories that are often sensational nature that is created to be shared widely online with a purpose to attract the audiences or sometimes just to disgrace a public figure , political movement or company .
So what is fake news actually is ? According to BBC on January , there are three kind of fake news that we need to understand . First , it can be false information that is intentionally circulated by people who have limited needs for the truth .
Second is when the false information is being delivered by journalists who do not even realize that it is false , where it is the journalists ’ faults as you always have to double or triple check before you even publish your news . Such fake information sometimes being reported by the media is because to influence the audiences into believing that information is actually facts . Or