with stop motion, he consulted Willis about what he could do to
improve his work, to which Willis told him to improve his early models,
he recommended graphics classes to Harryhausen to hone his skills. This
is why the works of the two artists are very similar in terms of graphics
and frame rates. As time has progressed the frame rates of productions
have increased to roughly 24 FPS in modern stop motion which shows
how modern technology has helped us to make stop motion much
smoother and aesthetically pleasing.
Models have been around in stop motion for quite some time as you are able to make inanimate
models move with stop motion you can create very interesting characters through stop motion that
would otherwise not have been possible. An example of this would be in the film ‘Chicken Run’
where the director was able to construct interesting characters through models. The movement of
models has moved from King Kong, where a character was developed simply through movements,
rather than any dialogue. At the beginning of the movie he is presented
as a beast who ravages and kills. However, as the storyline develops we
see him grow feelings and he conveys human emotions which allows
the audience to begin to attach to him as a person. It shows us how the
audience can be swayed through simply the actions that models
produce. A production which shows us how the movement of models
has advanced from King Kong would be ‘A Nightmare before Christmas’
by Tim Burton, in which we see how models have become more precise
as well as smoother and more aesthetically pleasing. You can see this in
the models throughout the production, this is because technology has
become more advanced, the frame rates have increased in productions
as the models have become more flexible as they’re able to hold more positions that would have
otherwise been impossible.