SYNAPSE - 2014
SYNAPSE - 2014
War of Wits and Enthrone
XLRI witnessed a record participation in this year’s edition of its
annual management fest Ensemble with a huge number of participants from prestigious B-schools all across the country fighting it
out to show their supremacy in a battle of wits, pizzazz and skill.
As the HR committee on campus, SAPPHIRE hosted 2 events at
Ensemble 2013, its Flagship event War of Wits in association with
Accenture and its domain event Enthrone.
While the first round of War of the Wits tested the general HR and
OB knowledge of the participants, the second round tested their
analytical and problem-solving skills to the max through a very
complex business case round presented in association with Accenture. A total of 383 teams from a staggering 103 campuses including
MDI, SCMHRD, TISS, XIMB, SIBM, IMI and others registered for
the first round and after a rigorous elimination the shortlisted teams
were asked to rack their brains over the case study in the second
round. Of the final submissions, the 9 best entries were shortlisted
and invited to the third and final On-campus round to present their
solutions to the case in front of the Accenture judging panel and
prove their mettle.
At the same time, SAPPHIRE also conducted Enthrone, its HR Domain event for the students of XLRI. The first round of Enthrone
tested the ability of the students to come up with precise and concise
answers to diverse HR problems through a number of challenging &
esoteric caselets. A total of 26 teams registered for the event of which
a total of 7 were deemed worthy of making it to the second round of
the competition. The second round was a 2-part event, the first being
an HR crossword covering both classroom topics and the latest happenings in the world of HR. This was followed by a simulation round
that tested the adeptness of the participants at making decisive and
successful strategies in a tense and thoroughly competitive environment. The round pitted each team against the other in coming up with
a strategy to recruit the most desirable students across multiple functions from some of the top campuses in the country. The simulation
required quick-decision making skills in choosing the campuses to
visit and whether to spend on promoting your brand in the campus and
factored in real-life variables such as utilizing limited resources (total
budget) to recruit the maximum possible number and type of students
for their brand.
‘Citi Day @ XL’ by Citibank
Sapphire hosted Citibank on campus for ‘Citi Day @XLRI’ on
23rd Jan 2014. Citi being one of the largest foreign banks in India and
was awarded the Best Investment Bank in India for the 6th consecutive
year in June 2012 by Finance Asia Country Awards 2012.
Sapphire was majorly involved in promoting the event among the
students and conducted prior sessions to clarify any doubt that they
might have had. The event was organized exclusively for the students
of XLRI and witnessed enthusiastic participation from both the first
and second year students.
Following were the events and talks that took place during the day at
Business Case for Diversity
Making educated compensation decisions
Other Events…
Doubt Clearing Sessions
A major initiative taken up by Sapphire this year was conducting guidance sessions for the junior batch about the various courses that they
would face in the course of their first year. The sessions covered a
wide range of topics right from the rigors of a specific course to its