Sapphire_Synapse 2014 | Page 31

SYNAPSE - 2014 SYNAPSE - 2014 Live Project – Tata Interactive Systems Sapphire, in association with Tata Interactive Systems, gave the students of XLRI an opportunity to work on a Live Project which required them to generate content in the various domains of Human Resources. The following was the work that was done by the students of 2nd year during the course of the Live Project: The students had to generate content for certain aspects of Human Resources. There were 4 Learning objectives for each of the two subjects that they had been provided with and, in collaboration with the representatives of Tata Interactive Systems, they had to develop a portal consisting of all the data. The Live project saw enthusiastic participation from the students of 2nd year who struggled hard to complete the work within the time allocated to them. The types of content to be generated were:  Concepts with respect to the Learning Objective  Sample questions (and solutions)  the biggest names in the industry – Tata and Accenture Management Consultancy. In January this year Sapphire in association with AMC gave the students from XLRI an opportunity to work on a live project on skill gap analysis. Accenture has partnered with various state governments to help them upscale the skilling of the workforce in certain identified region. The project involves identification of key sectors in respective areas. This would followed by demand-supply analysis for the identified sectors and the training needs. The final deliverable for the project is to include the exact Training Interventions required. Accenture wanted the students to help them conduct the analysis for certain preidentified sectors and areas. The live project gave the students a great opportunity to apply their newly learnt concepts and help strengthen their knowledge base. The project was open primarily for the HR junior batch. The call for applications saw an ove