SYNAPSE -- 2014
Once you have given a
responsibility to a
person, leave him to
his own wit sand
discretion to do it to
the best of his abilities
Great idea, we pay heed to it, but we don’t see much
of it in practice. The idea is very powerful, whoever
we hire, we hire because we find him to be the best
guy available. So people have come in with capabilities, with skills. The more capable and skilled a person is the less he wants people breathing down his
neck to tell him what to do and how to do it. The guy
who is good at the job says, “Give me the job and
then get out of my way.” Empowerment is basically
that, that once you have given a responsibility to a
person, leave him to his own wit sand discretion to
do it to the best of his abilities. You can come in the
end and find out how has he fared but do not go on
to micro manage him. But whoever is a manager is a
control freak for some reason, he has little confidence in the person’s capability to do things well and
so he keeps poking his nose in. Control is necessary,
not bad, but micro-management v/s managing
through objectives should be done. So if you empower people you are likely to get the best out of
them, but if you micromanage people they do something with a grudge and half-heartedly and you don’t
get the best out of it. So there is a common saying
that most of human capabilities are wasted in an
How do you feel Entrepreneurship will be
Will a company have a
nationality anymore?
May be its head office
is in one country but
its plant will be in one
and the market in
Business education has been held guilty for producing managers and not entrepreneurs. Whenever you
take big names like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs or Dhirubhai Ambani; they were great entrepreneurs, they did
not go through with even formal education, leave
alone business education. So we produce the white
collar professional manager, we do not produce the
entrepreneur. Can entrepreneurs be produced on an
assembly line, I don’t