Getting the Most of Handmade Soap
If you believe that your handmade soap is smelling good and is safe for usage, then you can
sell it to the public. However, you’ll need to follow these three steps if you opt to go
Step 1 – Test Your Soap
In your state, there is a testing and standardization body for products that are meant for public
consumption. You need to take your soap to them for formal testing and approval. This is
assuming that you already have some nice feedback from friends and neighbors. You should
learn to give the people close to you a few samples so that they can give you their individual
reviews. If the soap is approved by the testing body, then you can move to step 2.
Step 2 – Get the Permits
You need to visit your townhall to inquire about the fees for running a handmade soap
business. Ensure that you apply for all the licenses as it’s advisable to start selling locally
before you expand regionally and globally.