Sanlam CT Marathon 2022 Digi | Page 90

Running For Something

Every year , Sanlam Cape Town Marathon participants have the opportunity to Run For Something and use their participation as a fundraising platform for a cause close to their heart .

With the marathon entering its first evaluation year as an Abbott World Marathon Majors ( AbbottWMM ) candidate , global fundraising platform GivenGain hopes their partnership enabling participant and public fundraising around the event will give the race an advantage over the competition .

After all , the AbbottWMM takes a race ’ s legacy into consideration when deciding whether to accept it into their ranks , and the impact of the six-year collaboration between GivenGain and the Sanlam Cape Town Marathon has done nothing less than make South African history .
Over the past five years , 694 fundraisers used the event as a platform to generate over R3.6 million in donations . The 2022 marathon is no different , with the marathon ’ s GivenGain fundraising page leaderboard showing incredible fundraising efforts , and donations well on their way to surpass the R1- million mark .

Running For Young Women

Running Great , Olympian and Sanlam Cape Town Marathon Ambassador Elana Meyer , is running the 10km Peace Run with her Zebra Tribe in support of Endurocad ’ s Achieve Young Women Empowerment Programme , which focuses on developing , educating , empowering and training disadvantaged young women aged 14 - 18 in the greater Cape Town area .
Says Jannie Smith , Regional Manager for Sub-Saharan Africa at GivenGain , “ While we are rooting for this culturally significant event to earn worldwide renown , we also want participants to enjoy themselves and keep in mind all the good that will result from their fundraising efforts .”
It ’ s not too late : you can still support our fundraising warriors . GivenGain Fundraising for the 2022 Sanlam Cape Town Marathon will stay open until 19 October . https :// www . givengain . com / e / sanlam-cape-town-marathon-2022 /