Sanlam CT Marathon 2022 Digi | Page 24

Wheelchair Marathon

For the first time in South African and African history , an elite wheelchair racing division will be included in a marathon on home soil .

And by the time the last group of runners cross the start line on Helen Suzman Boulevard , the wheelchair racing field will already be on their way to the finish , having treated spectators lining the course to an exciting show of speed , strategy , and pure grit along the way .

While elite wheelchair racing has been a popular and thrilling addition to the international mass participation marathon circuit for many years with spectators accustomed to seeing these speed machines whizzing by at up to 40km / h , it will be a brand new experience for local marathon lovers .
To help the race meet the requirements to become an Abbott World Marathon Majors race by 2025 , SA legend , 10-time Boston Marathon wheelchair race winner , and Sanlam Cape Town Marathon Wheelchair Division Ambassador Ernst van Dyk has walked a long road with the organising team to ensure that Cape Town is ready for an international contingent of winners .
Van Dyk has been racing internationally for some 30 years , and understands the many challenges faced by wheelchair athletes who travel to compete .
“ One of the most important considerations is that a wheelchair athlete ’ s race experience starts the moment they arrive at the airport . You are travelling with an expensive 2-metre-long wheelchair in a box and your own day-to-day chair , and have to explain to the personnel at the airport ’ s check-in counter that this huge box basically contains your running shoes for the marathon you ’ re travelling to .”
Add to that the possibility of your precious cargo not arriving at its destination – Van Dyk has missed numerous events over the years because his racing chair never arrived – wheelchair athletes have to cross numerous logistical obstacles along their journey .
Once they arrive at their destination , athletes also need a chaperone who can assist them with getting their equipment through customs , and navigate race week and the race itself , while an experienced mechanic needs to be available for last-minute tweaks and possible repairs before they line up at the start .
Van Dyk ’ s also worked closely with the City and race organisers to ensure that the marathon course is suitable for a wheelchair race while meeting Abbott World Marathon Majors requirements . One of the changes included moving the start and finish to Helen Suzman Boulevard .
“ Potholes and a bad road surface are definite nonos , as these can end your race and destroy your equipment ” stresses Van Dyk . “ Of course , all elite wheelchair athletes want a nice straight course without too many technical corners and challenging hills , but this is Cape Town , so we have worked hard to best utilise the roads we have . I am excited about the revised start and finish layout though , and spectators can look forward to a thrilling Formula-1 style finish .”
The amended course shares a similar profile and road quality with New York Marathon . With a few technical corners , fast downhills and challenging ascents , this wheelchair race will require a strategic approach .