ut everything is not like
that; Nicolás Echevarría, a cinema-
José Benítez Sánchez
tographer creator of fictions and
director of documentaries of indige-
nous and anthropological subjects,
made and presented one of his
documentaries in several festivals:
"Echo of the Mountain” (Eco de la
montaña.), where he told the story
of the indigenous Huichol who
made a mural by comission of his
country, Mexico, to be presented to
France in 1998, in an exchange of
art. The plot counts, as curiously,
the author of this Mexican work,
was not invited to the delivery, nor
mentioned as the author, nor
recognized at all. The then presi-
dent of Mexico, Ernesto Zedillo, led
this exchange; France gave to
Mexico the Art-Decó smithy, which
is in the station of Bellas Artes, and
Mexico, delivered this beautiful
mural of enormous dimensions,
created in very small chaquira, and
that was placed in the station
Palais Royal of Paris.
Mural of Santos de la Torre, Donated by the
government of Mexico to France
Emeteria Ríos Martínez