San Francisco Language Access Ordinance Compliance Summary Report 2024 2024 LAO Compliance Summary report | Page 20

Cantonese LEP client interactions saw the largest increase , with about 394,627 interactions ( a 47.30 % increase from the previous fiscal year ) followed by Spanish LEP client interactions , measuring 498,562 ( a 10.55 % increase ). Languages that saw modest increases from the previous fiscal year included Russian , with 20,548 LEP client interactions ( an 8.12 % increase ), Mandarin , with 33,543 LEP client interactions ( a 4.24 % increase ), and Vietnamese , with 25,347 LEP client interactions ( a 3.15 % increase ). Filipino LEP client interactions totaled 19,148 , representing a slight decrease of 0.31 % compared to the previous fiscal year .
The Other Languages category ( which includes , but is not limited to , Arabic , French , German , and Tigrinya ) saw a steep decline of approximately 61.46 % in aggregate count , with only 20,707 interactions . A likely driver of this decline compared to the previous year is adjustment in how some Departments track , collect , and report their LEP client interactions data . For example , the Department of Public Health ( DPH ) did not include a data point for the Other Languages category in their FY 2022-2023 compliance report , but reported 34,741 LEP client interactions in the Other Languages category for FY 2021- 2022 . DPH client interactions comprise a fairly high proportion of Citywide LEP client interactions , and the absence of the DPH Other Languages data point is the main source of the decrease seen in FY 2022-2023 .
Total LEP Client Interactions by Language , Over Time