Another source of language access policy in San Francisco is the Digital Accessibility and Inclusion Standard . Departments have continued implementing the standard since its adoption on November 18 , 2021 . Translation is an important pillar of the standard , requiring that Departments provide human translation of vital information in the threshold languages defined by the LAO on all new City and County of San Francisco websites , online applications , and digital content .
Department Compliance Reporting Process
Departments must engage in language access activities throughout the year to comply with the LAO .
Spring / Summer : Language access liaisons attend the annual LAO compliance training .
By September 1 : The digital compliance report submission form is available .
By October 1 : Departments submit their compliance information online .
By February 1 : OCEIA publishes the Language Access Compliance Summary Report .
The annual compliance cycle begins in the late spring / summer , when Departments are required to send their language access liaisons to OCEIA ’ s LAO compliance training . This training provides an overview of Departments ’ obligations under the LAO , recommendations for data collection and reporting , and links to language access tools and resources that Departments can use during their day-to-day operations . This training is also an opportunity to highlight current language access needs in the City and promote collaboration on language access strategies across Departments .
Departments submit their self-reported annual compliance data through an online form , available by September 1 of each year . Departments are asked to share information across multiple areas of activity relevant to language access .