Melissa Stewart
Chief Editor / Regional Director , Client Services
I can ’ t believe we have concluded 2016 so fast ! I am still amazed by all the amazing people that I have been able to interact with across the entire account . It has not been an easy year with many opportunities presented to us , yet it has been one of growth , both professionally and personally . I can honestly say that being a part of this team has not only changed my perception on passion , but also the possibilities of what it means to truly be successful . When we can come together as a team and support each other , many times beyond the scope of what our normal duties call , we create a synergy that is very hard for others to replicate .
I hope when you all look back at this year you are able to see all the great things we , as a team , were able to achieve . I am very eager as we close out 2016 and look forward to all the NEW possibilities we have in 2017 ! It is going to be an exciting ride , so get ready … and put your GAME FACE on as we work together to not only BE # 1 , but STAY # 1 !
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