Coming Events...
2014 Gosford Regional
May 3 & 4 at Gosford Showgrounds
Admission : $29 Family ($24 with a shopperdocket)
(Family = 2 Adults + 2 Kids)
Adults $10 Kids/Pensioners $8
For 126 years Central Coast families have enjoyed a
good value fun-filled weekend at the Gosford Regional
Show. Many families find it difficult and costly to
travel to Sydney Royal Easter Show, so are delighted
to “keep it local” a fortnight after Sydney Royal, by
coming to our own Show - the Agricultural Country
Show for the whole of the Central Coast to enjoy.
For the keen muso’s th e Under 18’s Talent Quest lets
you strut your stuff for some great prizes and cash for
the winners of both High School and Primary & Under
categories. All weekend you can put your name down
to sing at the ROCKGOD Open Mic Indie Chilout Zone.
Gosford Showgirl is not a beauty pageant, it’s the
This year the fun will be abundant with clowns and search for the Central Coast’s rural ambassador
magicians, Showgirl and Talent Quests, Photography to represent our region in The Land Sydney Royal
by GB’s Photographic Competition, Art and Showgirl competition. Young Ladies from 17-24yo
Agricultural Comps, and a Dress Up your Carnival are invited to enter. Miss Jnr Gosford Showgirl is
Paws Competition. As always there’ll be non-stop designed to encourage confidence in girls aged
entertainment, demos, free kids activities, art and 7-12yo. Both have great prizes to be won and all
craft displays, cat society competition, cake decorating, Showgirls receive free deportment and public etiquette
Equestrian events, fireworks on Saturday night and the training prior to the heats. Heats are in the Easter
ever popular Rides, Showbags and Side-Show Alley. school holidays and girls must be registered to enter.
Visit the website to find out more and to download your competition entry forms now:
Robyn Edmonds~King
Catch a Shooting Star Events
Gosford Regional Show,
Ph: 02 43851030
Mob: 0428 852 307
PO Box 3579 Wamberal 2260
New multidisciplinary health centre now open in
Osteopathy, Naturopathy, Nutrition !
Massage Therapy, Clinical Social Worker!
Working together to get you back to health!!
Shop 7, 30 Karalta Rd!
(next to “The Good Guys”)!