SALGA annual report 2016/17 SALGA ANNUAL REPORT 201617 PRINTED FINAL | Page 14

Executive summary Mandate 1: Lobby, advocate and represent Mandate 2: Employer body The first mandate, to lobby, advocate and represent the interest of local government at relevant structures and platforms continued to be well delivered by SALGA’s parliamentary office and by its participation in numerous platforms to lobby for the interests of local government. On SALGA’s second mandate, which is to act as an employee body representing all municipal members and, by agreement, associate members, SALGA was active in representing member municipalities in disciplinary code processes, conciliations, arbitrations and litigations. SALGA also appointed actuarial services on the restructuring of pension funds and represented the interests of all municipalities in the handling of medical aid and housing subsidies. 350 274 SALGA in Parliament SALGA engaged Eskom on the current key structural and technical issues that have exacerbated municipal debt to Eskom as well as that owed to municipalities. In 2016/17, SALGA successfully lobbied for changes to some of Eskom’s credit control policies. SALGA also held engagements with ministers of CoGTA, Public Enterprises as well as with NERSA in which the problematic relationship between Eskom and municipalities was discussed including challenges related to the municipal debt. SALGA established a metro energy forum during the year under review. The purpose of this forum was to discuss, interrogate, analyse and provide recommendations on any energy/electricity issues (policy, legislation and/or operational issues) that are specific to metro energy and electricity utilities. The forum provides a mandate for SALGA’s advocacy, support and lobbying role in the electricity industry, including engagement with relevant industry stakeholders (eg government departments, political structures etc) on behalf of metros. SALGA also played an important role in representing its members when National Treasury introduced an important, but difficult set of regulations, the municipal standard chart of accounts (mSCOA) by lobbying for support and training on the regulations, and assessing the state of readiness of municipalities to introduce mSCOA. 14 122 Disciplinary hearings Conciliations Arbitrations 2016/17 Municipal cases handled Mandate 3: Capacity building SALGA’s third mandate is to build the capacity of municipalities as institutions as well as leadership and technical capacity of councillors and officials. In this respect, 2016/17 was a significant year for SALGA as the sector went through a transition centred on the local government elections on 3 August 2016. This resulted in a new body of local councillors taking office, thus needing to be inducted and trained. BREAKDOWN OF 2016 NEWLY ELECTED COUNCILLORS Ward PR Province Total Cllrs Cllrs Eastern Cape 703 787 1 490 Free State 309 350 659 Gauteng 529 563 1 092 KwaZulu-Natal 870 976 1 846 Limpopo 565 657 1 222 Mpumalanga 400 460 860 North West 407 473 880 Northern Cape 204 219 423 Western Cape 401 433 834 TOTAL 4 388 4 918 9 306 Source: Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) 10 Aug 2016