Splashball Water Polo / Ages 6-9
This fun water polo class is a great way to introduce your
child to the sport of water polo. Splashball is conducted
entirely in the shallow end of the pool. Over the fiveweek course, children are challenged to learn how to
egg beater and master the basic skills such as passing
and shooting. Children must be water safe and able to
swim the length of the pool.
Introductory Water Polo / Ages 6 & older
Mission Viejo High School
25025 Chrisanta Drive
Mission Viejo
Questions? E-mail: [email protected]
Power Aquatics was formed in 2012 as an organization
to promote the sport of swimming and water polo to
pre-high school children. Power Aquatics’ purpose is
to provide basic water polo training in the Mission Viejo
area and prepare athletes for high school athletics.
Our athletes excel due to our club philosophy in three
areas: small class sizes, coaches in the water teaching
skills, and a fun/recreational environment.
Swimming is held on
Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays
Water Polo is held on Tuesdays & Thursdays
Fees: Most sessions are 4 weeks long
The price for a single sport is $65/month
The price for two sports is $90/month
Three week sessions:
The price for a single sport is $50/month
The price for two sports is $75/month
Five week sessions:
The price for a single sport is $80/month
The price for two sports is $110/month
Discounts- Sibling discounts: $5 off per athlete/per sport
Power Aquatics is open to everyone regardless of skill
level. We feel that starting players will develop faster in a
clinic-type setting with more focused attention to individual development. Introductory practices are held in both
the shallow and deep ends of the pool to provide a fun
and safe environment. This group focuses on learning
to eggbeater, pass, shoot and basic skills/rules of the
game. When athletes have mastered a certain skill, they
combine with the youth level in controlled scrimmages
during practice. Players who have developed the basic
skills set, will be invited to continue their development
at the youth level.
Youth Water Polo / 8th Grade & Under
Youth level players work to perfect the fundamentals
of the game. More advanced techniques and skills are
introduced during our clinic-style practices. As these
players prepare for high school, they will have scheduled
practice times and monthly scrimmages against other
clubs in the area.
Swimmers are placed in groups depending on speed and skill.
Introduction to Swimming
A five-week program that will teach water safety, how to
be comfortable in the water, and the basics of freestyle
and backstroke. This program will be held next to a
wall in 3 ft. deep water. No prior swimming experience
is necessary.
Bronze Level Swimming
Bronze Level swimmers are a combination of our
youngest athletes and new members just learning how
to swim. This group learns in a fun environment, with
coaches in the water to assist as students break down
the basics of the four strokes. Although students are
next to a wall and in 3 ft. deep water, they must be able
to swim a 1/4 lap by themselves.
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