SET Recreation
Level 7 / Freestyle, Backstroke,
Breaststroke, Butterfly, Starts & Turns
• This level offers an alternative to competitive swim
teams for swimmers who have reached an advanced
level but prefer a non-competitive month-to-month
• Great cross-training program for those who are in
other sports as well.
• Swimmers will refine technique of all 4 strokes, starts
and turns.
• The goal is for students to work to increase cardiovascular fitness level, perfect stroke technique, develop
flexibility, increase strength and endurance.
Fee: $105/month (8 classes, 60 min each)
Requirements: Swimmers must have passed Level 6 or
have equivalent ability.
Aug 31-Sept 23 5:00-6:00 pm
Oct 5-28
5:00-6:00 pm
Nov 3-24
5:00-6:00 pm
*No training 11/6; Make-up 11/20 normal time.
Learn to Play
Water Polo
SplashBall, Introduction/Junior Water Polo are designed to introduce the sport of water polo to new
athletes. Fundamental trainings followed by games/
scrimmages ensure that athletes have fun while at
the same time developing and mastering the skills
of the game.
Note: How do I know which group to sign up for?
Please sign your athlete up for the program that
best matches the requirements below. We have
structured the program so we can move the athletes
between levels at anytime based on skill level.
Water Polo Contact:
Bradley Schumacher
[email protected] • (949) 207-3375
El Toro High School, 25255 Toledo Way
Lake Forest
Splash Ball / Ages 4-6
Step 1: This is the beginning.
• Athletes stand on the bottom, pass and shoot the ball.
They progress and are challenged to learn egg beater.
• The main focus is fun in the water with a water polo
Fee: Sep-June, $105/month
(8 classes, 1 hour each, 2 days a week)
July-Aug, $105/two-week session
(8 classes, 1 hour each, 4 days a week)
Requirement: Athlete must be water-safe and be able
to remove one’s self from a pool without help and no
Sep 1-24
5:00-6:00 pm
Oct 6-29
5:00-6:00 pm
Nov 4-26
5:00-6:00 pm
Swimming & Water Polo
This program is offered by popular demand. Swimmers find they can be great water polo players. The
sport of water polo requires a strong swimming base.
This is a fun combination that will help athletes excel
at both. Most high school aquatic athletes participate
in both of these sports. 20% Savings with SET’s
Recreation COMBO
SET Combo Swim & Polo / Ages 6 & Up
Introduction to Water Polo / Ages 6 & Up
Step 2: Athletes move to the deep water where they
learn to egg beater, swim head up with the ball and
• Here the basic rules are introduced and athletes play
scrimmage games each week to learn the ins and
outs of the game.
• 1 Training Day and 1 Controlled Scrimmage Game
each week.
Fee: Sep-June, $105/month
(8 classes, 1 hour each, 2 days a week)
July-Aug, $105/two-week session
(8 classes, 1 hour each, 4 days a week)
Requirement: Athlete must be water-safe and be able