Sabre's View July 2013 | Page 3

Crimson Sponsorship ; Armagillo
I was given the privilege of being able to interview Graeme Bodbyl . Graeme ’ s company , Armagillo , makes a lightweight paintball head protection that doesn ’ t trap the heat . Graeme was inspired because while playing he found that full helmet goggles tended to be hot , fog up and headshots hurt . He upgraded his mask and used other wraps , which he found hot , bulky and headshots still hurt . Graeme decided to pick up some material and went home and started putting the material where it should be . The prototype was tested by a local team to gather feedback . Graeme started alone , doing all the production and marketing and he had one seamstress to stitch the headgear .
The current model , The Elite Series , was launched in March and has been steadily increasing in interest . Graeme plans to launch a new model in early July that will feature a new fabric that ’ s being added to the line called Voodoo Mesh . It comes in black and as far as performance goes , there is nothing like it on the current market . Graeme tested the heat retention of the mesh and found it to be almost the same as wearing nothing at all . Graeme is constantly looking at how to improve the product line through customer feedback and requests which has kept the headgear current and always evolving to meet the needs of the player .
The relationship between Armagillo and the Crimson Sabres started early on the Armagillo Facebook page . Graeme noticed that a lot of the team members were active and showed a lot of excitement so he reached out . Graeme said he enjoys working with teams that do more than paintball and he found that the Sabres do a lot for their community . Graeme says “ It ’ s not about the size or the reputation ; it ’ s about what you bring as a team .”
Dave O .