Sabre's View Crimson Correspondent Issue 1 | Page 6

Forks and our home away from home for the next 3 nights .
Our second day saw us able to sleep in until late into the morning , 0515 . We had taken the time before going to sleep the previous evening to prepare our gear and uniforms so we only had to feed everyone , load up water for a forecast temperature of 40C , get everything and everyone loaded , and make the 30 minute drive to the field .
Our first order of duty when we arrived at the field was for the fighting group to register and introduce ourselves to our general . We were given general information on what we could expect in the morning battle , where we would be positioned , and what was expected of us in this role . Hold a choke point on the flank as long as possible and then every point behind it . After we had been briefed we had time to assist with setting up our field sunshades , air up and purchase our paint , then attend the 0800 briefing by the event organizers . We had to be chronoed and in position on the field for the 0900 scheduled start time .
After a grueling 2.5 - 3 hours of tree to tree to bush to shrub to moss covered log fighting in extremely wet , hot , and humid conditions we cleared from the field for a chance to refresh our bodies with a healthy lunch and reload our air and pods .