SABI Magazine Volume 9 Issue 3 | Page 35


Rivulis and Eurodrip ’ s mammoth micro irrigation merger

Rivulis Irrigation of Israel and Eurodrip SA of Greece announced recently that the two companies “ have entered into a definitive merger agreement in an all-share transaction , creating a global leader in micro irrigation ”.

The merged company will have unparalleled market coverage with 18 factories around the world and 1,800 employees across 5 continents and 30 countries . Growers around the world will benefit from an extensive product and solution offering , consisting of trusted industry brands such as T-Tape™ , Ro-Drip™ , Hydrogol™ , D5000 , Eolos™ , Compact™ , PC2™ and Olympos™ . The merged company will be headquartered in Gvat , Israel and will be named Rivulis Irrigation , Ltd . Richard Klapholz , the current CEO of Rivulis Irrigation , will lead the merged company .
The company will continue to support both the Rivulis and
Eurodrip brands , and will remain strongly committed to its mission of providing continuous innovation , and strong service to help growers to optimize yields sustainably and economically while addressing water and land scarcity .
Richard Klapholz , Rivulis Irrigation CEO , commented on the merger : “ We are thrilled to have these two leading companies join forces to better serve the growing needs of the irrigation markets around the world . While benefitting from significant operational economies of scale , we will ensure that all commitments to our distribution business partners are maintained and further strengthened .
“ Our goal is to ensure that our business partners will continue to be successful with the products and solutions of both companies – but now with a wider offering and stronger manufacturing base . I am looking forward to working closely with the Eurodrip teams around the world and I am certain that we will all benefit from their vast experience and their continued commitment and dedication .”
Peter Berweger , Eurodrip Group CEO , added : “ It has been a great honour for me to lead the Eurodrip Group over the past years and into this merger . With this transaction , we bring together two excellent micro irrigation businesses with complementary capabilities , and we are offering growers more choice and a wider product range to save water and enhance yield . The combined entity will have a truly global presence in all relevant irrigation markets , enabling strategic global growth and innovation that will benefit all stakeholders .”
Gillon Beck , the merged company ’ s chairman , summarized : “ The Rivulis management team has proven its turnaround skills in an astounding manner in the last two and a half years . Strengthened by the talent of the Eurodrip management , employees and owners , the joint team can now focus on a different type of development : merging the two companies into one efficient , market oriented , innovative and profitable global entity . With the help and long-time experience of our co-owners , I am confident in the company ’ s success in this new phase and in its ability to assume a leadership role in the industry .”
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