SABI Magazine August September 2016 V 7 | Page 50

Contacts | Diary Contact Sabi PRESIDENT – Tony Ewels Cell: 083 654 7173 | Tel: 043 732 1927 E-mail: [email protected] PAST PRESIDENT – Charles Cherry Cell: 082 492 2508 | Tel: 021 859 4246 [email protected] VICE-PRESIDENT – Werner de Leeuw den Bouter Cell: 082 460 8833 | Tel: 021 851 7282 E-mail: [email protected] SECRETARY/TREASURER – Felix Reinders Cell: 082 495 0332 | Tel: 012 842 4009 E-mail: [email protected] GAUTENG BRANCH – Gaby Levanon Cell: 082 550 4285 | Tel: 011 974 5254 E-mail: [email protected] EASTERN CAPE BRANCH – Giséle Lőtter Cell: 082 300 8116 | Tel: 042 243 0345 E-mail: [email protected] KWAZULU-NATAL BRANCH – Willie Vosloo Cell: 082 571 2452 | Tel: 035 787 1949 E-mail: [email protected] LIMPOPO BRANCH – Odette van der Merwe Cell: 082 819 2313 | Tel: 014 717 3869 E-mail: [email protected] MPUMALANGA BRANCH – Gordon Vermaak Cell: 083 610 6105 | Tel: 013-712 2175 E-mail: [email protected] ORANGE BRANCH – André Coetzee Cell: 082 330 3456 | Tel: 051 432 8741 E-mail: [email protected] WESTERN CAPE BRANCH – Ian de Jager Cell: 082 577 0677 E-mail: [email protected] CO-OPTED MEMBER – Duncan McKenzie Cell: 082 450 4757 E-mail: [email protected] GENERAL MANAGER – Riana Lombard Cell: 083 303 3596 | Tel: 021 850 8220 E-mail: [email protected] TECHNICAL EXECUTIVE OFFICER – Isobel van der Stoep Cell: 082 331 4987E-mail: [email protected] ASSISTANT TECHNICAL OFFICER – Annemarie van der Westhuizen Cell: 082 774 6163 E-mail: [email protected] MEDIA MANAGER – Carol Posthumus Cell: 083 298 7623 | Tel: 021 850 8220 E-mail: [email protected] ADMINISTRATION OFFICER – René van der Merwe Tel: 021 850 8220 E-mail: [email protected] 48 SABI | AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2016 Dagboek | Diary Agri Asia Gujarat, India - 2 3 and 4 September 2016 Agri Asia has served as a platform for bringing together many foreign as well as national visitors from 20 + countries to interact with the leading international agriculture technology companies. The Agri Asia exhibition, held once in a year, is one of the leading international Agriculture Events of its kind to showcase international agriculture technology. Traditionally attracts many Ministers of Agriculture, decision-makers, experts, practitioners and trainers in agriculture, as well as thousands of visitors from all around the globe. For more information: The Cape Town Flower Show Castle of Good Hope - 27-30 October 2016 The Cape Town Flower Show takes place in the centre of Cape Town in the heart of the Cape Floral Kingdom. The Cape Town Flower Show vision is to become a living legacy through which Cape Town promotes its natural beauty. The show is set to become South Africa’s leading flower show. The show will artistically display the brilliant diversity of the Cape’s flora; inspire its visitors to value their outdoor spaces