SABI Magazine August September 2016 V 7 | Page 49

 Training | Subscriptions Training Learn to Grow SOUTH AFRICA IRRIGATION INSTITUTE ● SUID AFRIKAANSE BESPROEIINGSINSTITUUT D o you want to improve your irrigation training and knowledge? Be sure to sign up for a SABI Training course today. Computer aided irrigation design with IrriMaker – Advanced irrigation design course: Drainage œœ 7-9 November Pretoria œœ 21-23 November Stellenbosch. œœ 23- 25 August Stellenbosch œœ 20-22 September Pietermaritzburg Evaluation of irrigation systems œœ 14-15 September Pretoria œœ 23-24 November Stellenbosch Subscribe now! Make sure you receive every edition of SABI Magazine, subscribe now. Besproeiingskedulering/ Irrigation Scheduling œœ 6-8 September Pretoria Complete the form and fax with proof of payment to 021 850 8220. Besproeiingsbestuur/ Irrigation Management œœ 17-20 October Pretoria Title: Initials: Surname: For more information, view the 2016 SABI Training brochure at or phone the SABI office on 021 850 8220 (9am to 4pm Monday to Fridays). Organisation: Postal address / Pos adres: ______________________ Tel: Fax: René van der Merwe and Annemarie van der Westhuizen of SABI recently attended the SAGIC Symposium in Stellenbosch. Email: Annual subscription (6 issues): R228 for digital and R228 for print (VAT incl) Banking details: Bank: ABSA, Branch code: 632 005 Account: 404 5358 927 Account Type: Cheque account Students on a SABI Training survey course in Stellenbosch recently. SABI | AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2016 47