Next-gen Israeli agtech turns a rooftop into a farm
Aleinu aeroponic farm plants seeds for a new social , environmental and educational model of agricultural sustainability .
By Abigail Klein Leichman
On the rooftop of the Mishor Adumim industrial park in the desert between Jerusalem and the Dead Sea , an acre of herbs and lettuces provide employment for about 20 people representing the entire Israeli mosaic : Jews and Arabs , religious and secular , Israeli-born and immigrants .
“ We all work together and value each other ’ s contribution ,” says Bentsion Kabakov , a religious Russian immigrant who established the Aleinu Sustainable Aeroponic Greenhouse as a prototype six years ago .
“ We are convinced that no matter how harsh the political challenges are , there is always a basis for mutual respect and coexistence . At Aleinu , that ’ s our guiding line .”
Women in hijabs chat easily with Ethiopian-Jewish women in the packing and labeling room . Everyone from pickers to technicians works in a comfortable , air-conditioned environment and goes home at a set time every day . x-head : Farm of the future
In all its social , business and environmental aspects , this is truly a farm of the future
The word aleinu in Hebrew means both “ above us ” and “ our leaves ,” aptly conveying the concepts of rooftop farming and a shared sense of purpose .
Though rooftop and urban agriculture are becoming more widespread as the world ’ s population centers shift to cities , the system created by Kabakov and fellow engineers from the former Soviet Union is one of a kind , explains Shelley Brinn of Tour Adumim , who brings groups to see , smell and taste the produce of
Aleinu and learn about its social , ecological and educational facets .
Based on the concept of aeroponics — growing plants in humid air rather than soil or water — Aleinu incorporates several proprietary technologies that bring an unprecedented level of automation and efficiency to the process while eliminating problems of conventional farming such as unpredictable weather , the expense of land and the need for long hours of outdoor toil by many workers .
As a result , this aeroponic greenhouse yields 50 times more produce per square meter than does a traditional farm , while consuming 20 times less water . Compared with other aeroponic greenhouses , Aleinu ’ s harvest is three times more abundant , according to Kabakov .
The 25 different greens and herbs — such as basil , lettuce , kale , arugula , parsley , chives , thyme , sage , mint and oregano – are certified insect-free and meet stringent international quality standards .
Sowing seeds
Seeds are sown one by one mechanically in blocks of sterile mineral wool ( made from recycled industrial waste ), which are placed in long plastic troughs ( conduits ) with holes .
Resting on a computer-controlled dynamic “ field ” of conveyor belts , the troughs are close together at first . As the plants grow , the distance between the troughs automatically adjusts as they move gradually from the planting end to the final harvesting end of the field .
Misty air circulates inside of the troughs , providing the roots with water , nutrients and oxygen . Sensors in the field alert operators to any nutrient imbalances that can be corrected quickly by computer . A wet corrugated wall opposite a wall of fans keeps the entire space humid .
“ In this controlled environment , the plants grow more quickly ,” Brinn explains . “ They have smaller roots because they get all the nutrition they need from above and can use their energy to grow upward .”
“ Herbal cowboys ”
An overhead platform travels across the dynamic field , enabling just one or two workers — Brinn calls them “ herbal cowboys ” – to tend the troughs and crops as needed from above , so little floor space is wasted on walkways . Propellers mounted on the moving platform suck up bugs from the plants into huge nets .
Far fewer insects are attracted to an industrial rooftop than to a conventional farm . Aleinu uses natural pesticides sparingly , mostly relying on a patented system of various physical obstacles to prevent insects from coming into contact with the plants .
For now , the model farm sells three million packages of produce per year in Israeli supermarket chains .
However , Kabakov hopes that once people become more familiar with the Aleinu brand and mission , he will be able to establish a direct-toconsumer sales network . Only by shortening the time from field to plate can the vitamins in veggies be preserved , he tells ISRAEL21c .
An applied mathematician whose grandfather was a farmer , Kabakov envisions satellite locations and mini home and school versions of his farm supplying Israeli households with fresh-picked , locally grown , virtually bug-free and chemical-free produce .
“ Neighbors , families and friends can get together and turn rooftops , yards , balconies and even flights of stairs into sustainable urban mini-farms . Our technology and equipment are safe , user-friendly and easily accessible ,” says Kabakov .
Aleinu offers workshops for professional farmers and others interested in starting aeroponic farms .
Kabakov welcomes inquiries from abroad and can provide tours in English , Hebrew , Russian or French . The day before ISRAEL21c visited , he hosted a delegation from China eager to learn more about his made-in-Israel technologies . “ We have four patents , and everything you see was made by our hands ,” he says . “ We continue to innovate new technologies in our R & D center .”
www . aleinu-herbs . com Courtesy : www . israel21c . org