SABI Magazine 2019 October-November | Page 45

FoodNext.Africa Cape Town Carrot juice, cannabis brownies and vegan ice-cream All the good stuff at FoodNext. Africa Cape Town S ABI magazine recently partnered with the FoodNext.Africa’s Cape Town conference, and the event was a huge success, held at the CTCC. From biggest carrot farmers in Africa’s fine carrot and vegetable juices Rugani to ZZ2’s lovely tomato juices, all the finest in food and catering was on display and many fascinating presentations were delivered. At SABI magazine we also believe that it is vital to feature food developments and advances, as the food on the table or menu is the ultimate product of irrigation. An interesting focus at the event was the growth in the advance of plant protein sources and veganism as a dietary choice. With over 165 delegates, start- ups, speakers and exhibitors from around the country networking, engaging and enjoying food samples and tastings of the various niche products such as mopani worm flour polenta fries, plant-based burgers and sausages, vegan ice cream, sugar- free energy drink, bread crumb beer and cannabis brownies; many plan to return for the next edition, thanks to the success of the Cape Town series. At the FoodNext.Africa Cape Town series key industry experts met to discuss the latest innova- tions driving new partnerships, shared new ideas and products to meet the growing demand for safe, traceable and nutritious food from farm to fork. The conference theme focused on accessibility, getting good prod- ucts to market at the best price, assessing tomorrow’s innovation’s today and pioneering collabora- tion for better food and nutrition. Plant proteins From advances in personalised nutrition to the latest ingredient innovations to plant-based proteins and the role of food in health, our thought leaders shared strategic insights and ideas from new routes to market, how disruptive models can help drive consumer adoption to partner- ships needed to scale innovation and drive the sector forward. This flagship conference not only engaged attendees in a critical debate it also spearheaded an innovation collaboration that would not only form part of the conference but could also be a skill and knowledge that chefs could pass on and incorporate as part of their menus in future. DMG events alongside Humane Society International, Africa part- nered on FoodNext.Africa Cape Town, the organisation came on board as our plant-based culinary training sponsor and conducted plant-based culinary training with the chefs and kitchen staff at the CTICC in prepara- tion for the conference and use going forward. Leozette Roode, Media & Outreach Manager for Humane Society International / Africa said: “It is evident that the demand for plant-based food is continuing to rise in popularity in South Africa. This was showcased at Africa’s most innovative B2B food event, the FoodNext.Africa Conference, where Humane Society International / Africa’s Green Monday SA meat-reduction program was implemented. We are thrilled that dmg events and the CTICC welcomed HSI/Africa’s offer to conduct plant-based culi- nary training with the CTICC chefs and incorporated Green Monday SA dishes as part of the confer- ence’s menus. It was refreshing to experience the excitement in which the chefs conducted the plant-based training and their interest in learning more about the importance of meat reduction.” Chefs and vegan menus Sibongiseni Gcelu, Executive Sous Chef for the CTICC, said: “Leozette managed to easily unpack the recipes for those vegan dishes and made it very understandable for the trainees. This training was very beneficial for the chefs that attended it as they gained a great deal of knowl- edge. This has been beneficial for the business at large as we have vegan guests more often. I also noticed that the understanding of the vegan dishes by the team has improved. Vegans can now be treated the same as other delegates as the chefs can now produce a three-course meal.” The partnership has not only been beneficial for the venue but also formed a lasting impression on our participants. FoodNext.Africa speaker Donovan Will, Director for Proveg South Africa, said: “Around the world, we are seeing a rapid growth in the move towards more plant-based eating, driven by the health, environment and ethical benefits of reducing meat consumption. It is great to see companies like dmg events prioritising this movement and bringing the conversations into the mainstream.” SABI | OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2019 43