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Kiasyd Alchemy
System : The player rolls Manipulation + Expression ( difficulty the victim ’ s current temporary Willpower rating ) as she commands the sleeper to dream whatever elements she narrates . The effect manifests in the victim ’ s behaviors once woken , effecting concentration ( difficulty of extended actions increases by two ) and potentially stimulating the victim in a positive ( the victim responds favorably to subjects from his dream ) or negative way ( the victim must make a Willpower roll to remain in the presence of what he dreamt ) for a duration dependent on the number of successes achieved by the player .
Result 1 success One turn 2 successes One hour 3 successes One night 4 successes One week 5 + successes One month
This power costs 9 experience points to learn .
Sacrifice to Nightmare ( Mytherceria ••••, Obtenebration •••)
Kiasyd who know their connection to the Abyss also know it ’ s necessary to keep the entities within content , and doing so occasionally requires a sacrifice . Pragmatic Weirdlings reason “ If we need to sacrifice lives , why not the lives of those we hate ?”
After painting the interior walls of a pitch-black chamber with fae sigils , the Kiasyd seals a sacrifice inside the room . Within seconds , the tentacles and snapping jaws of the Abyss reach through , and consume whatever offering has been provided . Those schooled in Abyss Mysticism believe the nightmare entity to be a part of the summoner , as it ceases to exist if it leaves the chamber emblazoned with the Kiasyd ’ s sigils and blood .
Sacrifices who survive over a minute in the chamber are supposedly given the honored treatment of being diablerized by Kiasyd without , but Weirdlings sniff at such vulgar claims .
System : The vampire must inscribe a Chanjelin Ward ( V20 , p . 455 ) within a room , where it has the same effects as usual . The Kiasyd must then spend two blood points to summon a tangible nightmare from the Abyss before exiting the room , leaving her sacrifice behind . The nightmare is a tentacled , many-mawed creature , which cannot exist outside the sacrificial chamber for longer than a single minute .

Kiasyd Alchemy

Until now , the Kiasyd practice of alchemy has resulted in a bevy of flavors , if not successful functions . Lately , however , some of their bizarre mixtures have begun to alter the forms and powers of those who drink them . Some claim this is due to the awakening of Hrotsuitha , while others mundanely state after a near millennium of research , it would be more surprising if nothing had been achieved .
At Storyteller discretion , Kiasyd cocktails may convey temporary benefits , such as increased Strength or points of Protean through consumption of a werewolf-based drink , greater affinity for Thaumaturgy or astral projection during the day by drinking the blood of magi , and temporary immunity to the sun ’ s rays or use of Chimerstry through drinking from fairies .
Such powers should come at a cost , however . Increased likelihood of frenzy , becoming subject to bizarre coincidences when using Masqueradeviolating Disciplines , or being hunted by illusionary entities are all possible penalties for indulging in the macabre field of blood alchemy .
The nightmare ’ s four independent tentacles each deal lethal ( the Kiasyd ’ s Strength + 1 ) damage through constriction , which can be resisted with an opposed Strength roll ( difficulty 6 for each tentacle ). The nightmare ’ s mouth deals aggravated ( the Kiasyd ’ s Strength + 2 ) damage after successfully grappling the sacrifice with its tentacles .
The nightmare has equal health levels and resistances to the summoner , who can soak damage with Stamina and Fortitude . Damage inflicted on the nightmare does not affect the summoner .
This power costs 21 experience points to learn .