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The Necromancy Lie
Combination Disciplines

The Necromancy Lie

At the Storyteller ’ s discretion , Kiasyd may take the Discipline of Necromancy instead of Dominate , but in so doing earn the Clan Enmity Flaw ( V20 , p . 492 ) twice , both for the Giovanni and Harbingers of Skulls . Freebie points aren ’ t gained for taking these Flaws .
subconsciously creeps up . The difficulty of any Appearance roll is reduced by three . A Stamina roll is required by anyone in your presence for longer than one scene , if this is the first time they ’ ve encountered you . Failure drives them away from you with a sickness wracking their body .
Paranormal Link ( 2pt . Merit )
You ’ re linked to another weird species of the world , and unconsciously find yourself able to understand their parlance , codes , and rituals . Difficulties to decipher the hidden rites and languages of one society ( selected when this Merit is purchased ) are reduced by three .
Skin of Porcelain ( 4pt . Merit )
Through concoctions imbibed or by a fluke of your Embrace , you possess a ceramic-like coating to your skin . In order for this to have any effect beyond looking strange , a Stamina roll is required ( difficulty 8 ). Success allows you to convert up to three points of aggravated damage from a fire source to lethal damage before attempts to soak . The hardening dissipates for the remainder of the current story .
Vitae Mutation ( 5pt . Merit )
You ’ ve drank the liquid essence of entities both strange and powerful . Whether the vitae of Methuselahs , the boiling blood of lupines , or bottled dreams of fae , the volume and combination of the brews you ’ ve consumed have forever altered you . Each night a Willpower roll is required ( difficulty 7 ) for you to manifest a single point of Auspex , Chimerstry , or Dementation . This point can be added to an existing rating in the Discipline , but disappears the following night .
Lightweight ( 1pt . Flaw )
Shamefully , you cannot imbibe the blood of any creatures other than mortals , ghouls , and vampires . Whenever you attempt to drink from another entity , you ’ re forced to purge the contents immediately after and gain no sustenance from it .
Illiterate ( 1-2pt . Flaw )
Perhaps you communicate best through illustration , dance , or impassioned speech ; but you can ’ t read or write . This is either a temporary Flaw ( 1pt .) that can be rectified with a patient teacher , or permanent ( 2pt .) due to a disability inhibiting your understanding . This Flaw is enough to get you ostracized by others of your bloodline if you do not conceal it .
Refined Palate ( 1-3pt . Flaw )
Many Kiasyd self-impose feeding restrictions : refusing to feed from the poor and diseased , or even those still wearing skin , or over a certain age . This manifests akin to the Ventrue Clan weakness ( V20 , p . 73 ), due to conditioning making any blood outside of the Kiasyd ’ s preference unpalatable . The severity of the Flaw depends on how narrow the restriction is .
Dreadful Mara ( 4pt . Flaw )
You drank something that still lives within you and hates you , exerting alarming control over your thoughts and actions . Each night , the Storyteller may convert a single rolled success into a 1 , potentially leading to a botch . At the Storyteller ’ s discretion , the entity may also whisper advice or insults , which can lead to increased difficulty during attempts to concentrate .

Combination Disciplines

Dreamstalker ( Dominate ••, Mytherceria •)
Weirdlings enjoy exerting control over their victims , even in dreams . A Kiasyd who whispers into the ear of an unconscious victim may implant fantastic or frightening thoughts that remain with the sleeper after waking . The dreams Kiasyd insert in victims ’ minds can be anything from seemingly disparate elements ( you will repeatedly see eagles and pink umbrellas ) to intact narratives ( you will dream of your husband chasing you around town with an axe ). Kiasyd have been known to use this power to compel victims to react to stimuli planted in their path , seeing features from their dreams as symbols of good luck , or potential disaster .