SAAA Residence Magazine October 2020 | Page 41

Resources to Combat Homelessness

Do you know anyone who is homeless or may be at risk of becoming homeless ?

There is help available !

Assistance for people experiencing homelessness . Open Monday-Friday , 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Emergency Housing Assistance Program ( food , gas , internet , medicine , rent , utilities , etc .) Risk Mitigation & Rental / Mortgage Assistance : 210-207-5910
San Antonio Rental Assistance Portal
San Antonio Utility Assistance Portal
The South Alamo Regional Alliance for the Homeless ( SARAH ) works with agencies across San Antonio and Bexar County to end homelessness .
Coordinated Entry paves the way for more efficient homeless assistance systems .
Please visit https :// www . sarahomeless . org / coordinated-entry / or call Tuesdays | 9:00 am – 1:00 pm | 210-765-0333 ( Please leave a voicemail if the line is busy and leave a call back number ) Thursdays | 9:00 am – 1:00 pm | 210-998-0871 ( Please leave a voicemail if the line is busy and leave a call back number )
https :// www . sacrd . org / directory / From ID recovery and food to shelter and healthcare SACRD is your directory for resources .
• Society of St . Vincent de Paul : https :// svdpsa . org / gethelp
• St . Mary ’ s ID Recovery Hotline : ( 210 ) -901-9982 Call or Text ( In-person services unavailable at campus )
• For Veterans Needing Immediate Shelter : Endeavors : 210-469-9664
• National Call Center for Homeless Veterans : 1-877-424-3838
• Roy Maas Youth Alternatives 24 / 7 Youth Hotline : ( 210 ) -340-8090
• For Youth needing a 24 / 7 Safe Space : Text “ safe ” to 4HELP ( 44357 )
Food , Shower & Other Resources for Those Experiencing Street Homelessness During The COVID-19 Pandemic www . saaaonline . org | OCTOBER 2020 SPECIAL EDITION 41