SAAA Residence Magazine October 2020 | Page 40

Together fOR A

Healthy Texas

3 If sick , get tested and then stay home .

6 FT 1

Stay 6 feet apart from
folks you don ’ t live with . Wear a face covering in public .


Wash your hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds . Use hand sanitizer if soap and water aren ’ t available . Don ’ t touch your face .

5 Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue , then throw the tissue away .

4 Clean and

disinfect oftentouched surfaces and objects .


Remind friends and family of these steps and how we ’ re all in this together !
For updates , info and testing sites , visit dshs . texas . gov / coronavirus .
COVID-19 Mental Health Support Line : 833-986-1919
OCTOBER 2020 SPECIAL EDITION | www . saaaonline . org
Visit 211Texas . org or call 2-1-1 , option 6 , for help with food , health , housing and more .
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