SAAA Residence Magazine December 2020 | Page 12


Overview of the General Election results :

Here is just a quick overview of the General Election results .
U . S . President : And the winner is … just kidding , of course we still do not have a winner in the presidential race , we are after all , still in 2020 .
The first thing is a huge thank you and congratulations to all the SAAA members who were able to volunteer with the Texas House of Representatives District 121 race . Rep . Steve Allison won his highly contested re-election with 54 % of the vote ! These volunteering grassroots efforts go an awfully long way to help the rental housing community !
An additional positive note is that all the candidates and the proposition that SAAA supported were victorious ! Below is a listing of the winners and the percentage by which each won .
One of the biggest state election results stories that is especially important to our industry , is that the highly discussed possibility of the Texas House of Representatives flipping from Republican control to Democrat control did not come to fruition . The majority party for the Texas House remains Republican , and the Texas Senate is still led by a Republican majority , even with the loss of local Republican Senator Pete Flores of Senate District 19 , to former Texas House Representative Democrat Roland Gutierrez .
City of San Antonio Propositions A big win for City of San Antonio leaders and for SAAA , is the passage of “ Proposition B , SA : Ready to Work ” – a workforce development and training proposition to help the city recover from the negative impacts that the pandemic has had on the city ’ s residents . SAAA endorsed and supported Prop . B and it passed with 77 % APPROVAL .
Two other local San Antonio propositions were also approved : The City of San Antonio ’ s “ Proposition A , Pre-K 4 SA ” with 73 % APPROVAL The Transportation District ’ s “ Proposition A , VIA Funding ” with a 68 % APPROVAL
Below are the winners that SAAA , TAA , &/ or NAA endorsed / supported in the SAAA counties :
U . S . Senate John Cornyn ( R ) – 51 %
U . S . House Joaquin Castro – ( D – TX20 ) – 65 % Henry Cuellar – ( D - TX28 ) – 55 % Lloyd Doggett – ( D - TX35 ) – 65 %
TX Senate Jose Menendez ( D – SD26 , San Antonio ) – 80 %
12 DECEMBER 2020 SPECIAL EDITION | www . saaaonline . org