SA Voice February 2014 | Page 3

E Morgan’s Message ight things you should be doing while you’re in college (In no particular order): 1. Eating right. A no-brainer. Studies have shown that in seven years your body completely replaces its cells with new ones. That includes skin cells, blood cells, brain cells, all the cells! It stands to reason that the better the food you put into your body the better off your body will be. Not to mention the fact that a healthy balanced diet is proven to stimulate brain activity, increase sociability, contribute to clear and healthy skin and encourage healthy body function. I’m no expert but if you can get some fruits and veggies, a decent portion of lean protein, a complex carbohydrate and a healthy fat into most meals, you’re doing better than most of us. 2. Getting regular (enjoyable) exercise. Walk your dog 3 to 5 km a day, play pick-up hockey, ice skate, rollerblade, go to the gym, play squash, badminton or tennis. Just walk. Go for a jog. Swim! Excuses don’t exercise your body, heart and lungs; they only help you forget that the person you are today was the person you decided to be 8 months ago. 3. Getting just enough sleep and waking up at the same time all week. Sleeping is amazing. There’s no doubt. But if you have a 10:30 AM class, get up at 7:00 AM, maintain your routine and build consistency in your sleeping patterns. Your body will respond by making it easier to get out of bed regularly. You will be surprised how much time you have to do the things you need to do. You might even eat breakfast. Obviously you will need to sleep in sometimes because this next one involves late nights. 4. Making time for friends. They are your family when you’re away from family. They support you, they challenge you and they know when to listen and when to tell you you’re blowing it. Friends…Real friends. Not your clubbing buddies or the guy that demands you party that weekend while throwing you a complex high-five but never replies to your text on Saturday night; I mean your true friends. The ones that make your life better, that confide in you and ask for advice, that enjoy different things than you but love their interests in the same way. They help you keep a level head and they will be with you forever if you treat them right. Don’t lose them. You only have a few. Morgan Davis President and Executive Director Student Association of St. Lawrence College (Kingston Campus) 5. Making connections & building relationships. Some call it networking, some call it relationship building, some call it “I don’t have time for people because: PlayStation 4!” Whatever you call it; it’s important! Don’t waste your time while you’re in school. Make time to relax but remember that your professional career started the minute you walked into the college for your first day, not the day you graduate. Every chance you get to speak with a professional, become closer to your professors or gain a mentor is an experience under your belt. Meet people and build relationships. It doesn’t matter if you’re 18 or 38 because value is value and time ticks at the same speed for all of us. The only difference is the pace that you set against the clock. 6. Taking your (online and personal) image seriously. How you perceive yourself is just as important as how people perceive you. If you feel like a lump and you know you look like one, the chances are good other people think something similar. Feeling good about yourself starts with your own body image and self-perception. You don’t have to spend four hours in front of the mirror but maybe that guest speaker coming to class today deserves to see you in Big-Boy pants not your tattered joggers. Maybe you deserve to be seen as a young professional. SPOILERS: College isn’t just an education; it’s conditioning for professionals. The same can be said for your online image. I’m not lecturing anyone on their “Me n’ my Besties -- Summer 2012” Facebook photo album. I say that if your privacy settings are appropriate you may not lose that job because of all the drunken Selfies on your timeline, though they might hurt your chances. As an Continued on page 4. Check out Morgan's band | Student Association of St. Lawrence College February 2014 SA Voice 3