The pre-requisite for an effective thatch fire retardant system is a good quality thatch layer with the correct compaction.
condition of insurance cover in many risk
assessments undertaken by insurance
companies, and also become an insistence
to local authorities when approving plans
that do not meet the building regulations
nationwide. I cannot stress enough the
importance of validating the claims made
by the company being selected to perform
the fire protection application, and that the
product is professionally manufactured
along with the relevant testing by the
proper authorities.”
Another matter to consider says Heatlie
is that municipal fire protection inspectors
are not equipped, through site inspections,
to identify what has been sprayed onto a
thatched roof, or if it has been done
effectively or not.
Enlighten yourself
When it comes to the use of chemicals on
thatch, normally the following questions
may be asked: do they test for public
safety? Do they test for water stream? What
is the effluent of the chemicals? Does it
cause rotting of thatch? Are there any tests?
Are they measured over a period of time?
What determines that time frame? How
long is it supposed to last? How long is the
warranty? And so on.
“These are questions that may have been
asked, without receiving any answers,” says
Kobus Strydom, FIRELAB owner. However,
all these answers should be available from
a manufacturer once a product or system
has been evaluated correctly. Strydom
further states that the pre-requisite for an
effective thatch fire retardant system is a
good quality thatch layer with the correct
compaction to give the client the best
possible protection.
This process needs to be done according
to specifications, using the correct material.
The use of un-approved fire retardants can
damage the properties of the thatch layer.
With correct compaction, it will burn slower
and will only smoulder in the absence of
wind. If the compaction is correct, it will not
burn out in minutes.
Thatch grass layers, although compacted
well, still have cavities between the thatch
stems; if the pressure and the chemicals
from the spray retardant are excessive, the
chemical penetrates the thatch layer,
making it hard. With natural thatch being
elastic in nature, it could break if it’s hard
during a severe hail storm. With breakage
comes water leakage and further problems
down the line.
Fire retardant applicators spray the
thatch inside and outside, and should an
incorrect product be applied, this will stop
the breathing capabilities of the thatch
layer. The chemicals seal in the moisture
which creates a build-up, causing it to rot
overtime. Some products on the market
glue the thatch together to prevent
baboons from pulling it out, especially in
game lodges. “You can’t do this because
thatch needs to breathe. It’s glued together
and then you have a rotting heap inside the
roof – this costs thousands of rands to
repair as the entire layer needs removing,”
says Strydom.
It is commonly shared that a thatched
roof should be retreated with fire-retardant
every five to seven years if the post-
treatment option has been used. While it’s
an expensive process, this may however be
a requirement in terms of the NBR if the
project is not planned correctly.