SA - Burdekin WQIP Cane Implementation Plan Irrigation_FINAL 080319 (1) | Page 98

Pesticide Management
Targeting herbicide application
Timing of application
Pesticide Selection
Relative Water Quality Risk
30 % Residual herbicides are applied through 100 per cent coverage with conventional boomspray .
20 % Residual herbicides applied as soon as practical after harvest , with due consideration to current weather conditions and 4 day rainfall forecast .
10 % Pesticide product choice is based on efficacy and cost effectiveness of control .
Residual herbicides are applied in a directed band over the row only . Inter-row spaces are managed with knockdown herbicides .
Residual herbicides are applied in a directed band over the row only . Inter-row spaces are managed with knockdown herbicides . AND Precise weed mapping informs zonal residual herbicide applications . Application occurs only where weed pressure is expected . Residual herbicides are applied more than 3 weeks prior to significant runoff event .
Pesticide choice is informed by assessment of control efficacy AND environmental risk , with lower toxicity products selected wherever feasible . Product choice considers the amount of active ingredient applied , its relative toxicity , half-life , solubility , and soil adsorption properties and their interaction with the soils on the farm .
Managing Canegrub
10 % Insecticides are routinely applied to plant or ratoon crops . Often more than one application to a block over a crop cycle .
Control of canegrub is based on monitoring plant damage and risk assessments of likely pressure . No more than one application per crop cycle unless monitoring indicates economic thresholds are likely to be exceeded . For liquid formulations , coulter slots are completely closed or covered in .
Control of canegrub is based on monitoring plant damage and risk assessments of likely pressure . An integrated pest management approach and participation in a district monitoring program informs grub management plans . No more than one application per crop cycle unless monitoring indicates economic thresholds are likely to be exceeded . For liquid formulations , coulter slots are completely closed or covered in .