Nutrient Management
Matching nitrogen supply to crop nitrogen requirements
Matching Phosphorus supply to crop P requirements Application of mill mud or mud / ash
Water Quality Risk |
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Moderate |
Low |
Lowest |
70 % N fertiliser rate typically exceeds the Six Easy Steps baseline application rate . Non-compliant with regulated method for calculating optimum N rate .
Nitrogen fertiliser rate for each plant crop and its subsequent ratoons are derived from soil tests and the Six Easy Steps method . Rates are based on district yield potential with adjustments made according to the soil N mineralisation index ( based on organic carbon percentage ). Deductions are made for other significant sources of N including from irrigation water , mill mud and legumes .
15 % Phosphorus is regularly or routinely applied as part of plant or ratoon cane blends .
15 % Broadcast application at rates over 100 wet tonnes per hectare .
Broadcast application at rates up to 100 wet tonnes per hectare . For fallow applications , mill mud / ash is incorporated soon after application .
Six Easy Steps Nutrient Management program is employed , which includes yield monitoring and use of the results from leaf testing and fertiliser strip trials . The amounts of N and P applied are optimal for crops on each major soil type and / or management zone .
P fertiliser requirements are determined through soil testing and consideration of extractable phosphorous and the P buffer index . P is not applied unless testing indicates it is necessary .
Mill mud is not applied where soil testing indicates P levels are adequate . Mill mud / ash is applied in a band over the crop row at < 70 wet tonnes per hectare .
Do not apply mill mud or ash . OR Mill Mud / ash is deep banded at < 50 wet tonnes per hectare .
Pesticide Management
Use of residual herbicides in ratoons
Relative Water Quality Risk |
High |
Moderate |
Low |
Lowest |
30 % Residual herbicides are routinely used in ratoon crops , both in response to known weed problems and as a preventative measure .
Overall strategy based on use of knockdown products only in ratoons . Residual herbicide use in ratoons only occurs as strategic response to problem situations .
Do not use residual herbicides in ratoons .