SA - Burdekin WQIP Cane Implementation Plan Irrigation_FINAL 080319 (1) | Page 79

Scope �
Develop incentive schemes for small growers to apply new technology and practices for future funding rounds . One approach to consider could be to provide a percentage rebate per hectare when a recognised “ Water Quality Improvement ” technology and practice is employed when leased / contracted by a small grower .
A Farming Systems approach rather than a singular technology adoption model is required to identify and support applied learning and solutions ( problem-solving ) for unintended consequences of technology .
Focus greater resources and efforts ( investment ) on irrigation technology and practices that can deliver improved irrigation efficiency , and therefore achieve improved water quality outcomes . A concerted capacity building / extension effort is needed in this area .
Support and allow for more workshops and field days as a medium for grower learning rather than a focus solely on one-one-one as it has been identified that farmers have a preference for other modes of extension that offer the benefits of social interaction and learning .
Conduct bus / field tours involving all grant recipients to enable the exposure , exchange and learnings from all the various types of technology and practices adopted . Growers would be placed centre stage to share from their perspective the benefits and challenges of the technology and practice they have implemented . Grant recipients would be encouraged to invite neighbours and others for these activities .
� Pilot the farmers teaching farmers methodology while working consistently with a discrete group of 10 - 15 farmers committed to sharing ideas , learning from each other ’ s experience , understanding farming systems , applying knowledge and focussing on improving soil health and on-farm improvement .
Explore options for supporting landholders to source suitable equipment and suppliers in making their sustainable practice changes . Greater engagement with industry or assistance to identify specialist suppliers and contractors may help .
Evaluation �
Incorporation of input from Paddock to Reef staff , research scientists and modellers into ABCD framework reviews is required to ensure consistency and clarity around the requirements for practice change data required for reporting .
An adequate amount of resources should be allocated for innovation and the technical support needed to trial innovative practices .
Specific data requirements related on program commencement will create a robust and consistent dataset . Including modellers and Paddock to Reef representatives in all future planning will alleviate the challenges faced historically where required data capture was constantly changing .
Accessible and simple on-farm water-quality monitoring tools and associated training are required for growers to measure and substantiate applied technology and implemented land management practice change with effects on water quality . It is said that “ seeing is believing ”, so growers direct involvement in measuring their water quality outcomes is likely to increase understanding and ownership , and thereby be a motivator for positive practice change .
Farmers often spend many times the amount of their grant from their own funds , to make their practice change operational . Surveys conducted 12 months after project finalisation could be used to capture real co-contribution rates and demonstrate the considerably higher , level of leverage of public funds .
Establish systems to ensure that programme partners are kept updated about any project activities or changes and consider opportunities to systematically share feedback with local partners on the outcomes of projects which they have supported , for their own monitoring and learning purposes .
More timely delivery of outcomes through Report Card data will ensure that the message is not getting lost .