SA - Burdekin WQIP Cane Implementation Plan Irrigation_FINAL 080319 (1) | Page 78

- Hands on training field days proved to be extremely popular with growers , and the benefits of this training approach have been realised through the uptake of new practices .
- Farm walks were a successful way to engage farmers who made the most of the opportunity to ‘ look over the fence ’. This practical demonstration of water quality improvement projects enabled further information and practice change opportunities to be identified .
- One-on-one extension was also provided to assist farmers with the implementation of whole-offarm system changes . Technical extension was very well received and the need for a larger technical extension component to ensure practice changes has been identified for future delivery . Training delivered as a result of extension activities or direct feedback was identified as the most beneficial to producers .
Training workshops were overall highly valued by landholders . Attendees stated that they gained valuable new technical knowledge about using sustainable management practices and were coming to understand sustainability issues and land management from new perspectives .
Data collected throughout the Reef Programme consistently found positive signs that the combination of training / extension with Water Quality Grants has influenced many landholders ’ knowledge , skills and attitudes around using sustainable management practices .
Most landholders who received training or extension support under the Reef Programme indicated that they adopted new management practices as a result of this support , or they intend to .
One-to-one extension support may be more effective than group-based training in enabling landholders to adapt and implement sustainable management practices on their own land , and the combination of both methods delivers the best outcomes . Some training workshops appeared to give attendees quite general information about a particular issue or technology , while tailored extension support enables landholders to adapt practices to their specific context .
� Reef Rescue funding was a driver for innovation and practice change .
� Delivery of targeted extension services , in combination with the availability of Reef Rescue funding , fostered learning and innovation in the region ’ s sugarcane industry . Many farmers recognised as industry leaders in improving soil health and water quality allowed their properties and equipment to be used for demonstrations or field walks .
Recommendations relevant to this report Design
Future grants-based programs should include sufficient funding for extension during the application process and use of best management practice systems , to optimise return of investment of public funds and maximise uptake .
Program design and contract negotiation should account for development of partnerships and establish realistic expectations according to the maturity of relationships and current capacity of partners .
Deliver supported training especially for grantees that received funding for equipment to enable full utilisation and maximise benefit .
Collaboration should occur between regions to ensure that a robust mechanism to measure extension and training outcomes is developed Reef-wide .
� Explore options for introducing an appropriate level of flexibility into water quality grants . �
Availability of longer-term funding for sugarcane growers would be useful for future training and extension .
Adoption of practices could be increased by assisting longer term farmers with tailored extension and training about practice changes and how these apply to their properties .
The most common suggestion for improving the Water Quality Grants was to increase the funding cap for individual projects or increase the grant percentage ratio in approved project budgets , depending on the nature of the works . E . g . increased funding was especially highlighted for installing recycling pits , which entail significant costs .