SA - Burdekin WQIP Cane Implementation Plan Irrigation_FINAL 080319 (1) | Page 23

Environment Protection Act 1994 , and the Smartcane BMP accreditation program to ensure compliance with funded management agreements .
� Implement priority R & D gaps , e . g . irrigation efficiencies , innovative fertiliser reduction schemes , supporting behaviour change with farmers and improving soil health which has implications for nutrient use efficiency .
Related actions in the Lower Burdekin : restoring catchment waterways and ecological function of coastal ecosystems
Potential actions for improved management and protection of coastal ecosystem and functions in the Lower Burdekin catchment are also relevant but considered to be outside the scope of the proposed Implementation Plan . The Burdekin WQIP 2016 included a recommendation to develop a Lower Burdekin Floodplain Action Plan ( building on Tait , 2013 and GBRMPA , 2013 ) that integrates water use and ecosystem function measures noted above to guide management effort , set priorities , identify dependent and rate determinant steps , recognising required trade-offs , and engagement of stakeholders still stands . This recommend still stands as part of the proposed Implementation .
2.3 Recommended approach to program design
Given the high management priority of the Lower Burdekin sugarcane region 5 it is recommended that a process of collaborative design is undertaken to establish a 5 year implementation plan for actions to progress achievement of the Reef 2050 WQIP targets . The scope of the plan should be guided by consolidation of information and learnings contained within this report ( which also builds heavily on the Burdekin WQIP 2016 ), local expertise and funding guidelines of current largescale investment programs such as the Reef Trust Partnership . The proposed Irrigation Extension and Investment Plan should aim to align the related major planning initiatives in the region – the Queensland Government ’ s Enhanced Extension Coordination in GBR project , the SRA Adoption Program and the DNRME Lower Burdekin Groundwater Management Strategy .
It is suggested that this would require a 5 month design phase ( March to July 2019 ) incorporating a number of interim milestones including the development of a preliminary draft plan by May 2019 . As a matter of priority , it will be necessary to identify a lead organisation and secure resources for the design process . This recommendation was discussed initially with a subcommittee of the Burdekin Cane Extension Group in early February 2019 , where the group agreed to progress the proposed Irrigation Extension and Investment Plan to support increased uptake of efficient irrigation practices in the Lower Burdekin sugarcane area , at an estimated cost of $ 227,000 . SRA and DAF identified a promising opportunity to progress the design through a joint arrangement , hosted by SRA ; SRA are intending to recruit a position to focus on irrigation practices ( Water Management Adoption Officer ) who could fulfil this role , and provided that the work is undertaken in partnership with BCEG members and other stakeholders as identified e . g . Burdekin Water Futures , DAF is in a position to support the SRA role to develop the Irrigation Extension and Investment Plan through the Enhanced Extension Program Expertise Program ( designed to target gaps in specialist expertise to support extension programs in the GBR catchments ).
It was also reiterated that : �
The proposed plan should provide an overarching framework and set of principles for improving irrigation management for water quality benefits that a variety of projects , programs and delivery partners could ultimately contribute to . The suggested design process should include the immediate engagement of an SRA Water Management Adoption Officer to build on the approach and information identified in this report . The design process must incorporate local expertise which may be best obtained through organisation of focus groups with growers and local experts to review and test the recommended
As defined in the Reef 2050 WQIP , supported by evidence in 2017 Scientific Consensus Statement Chapter 5 , Waterhouse et al . ( 2017c ).