2.2 Guidance for actions in the Implementation Plan
Actions identified in the Burdekin WQIP 2016 are still relevant to the development of the Implementation Plan . These have been modified and added to with the information contained in Part II and Part III of this report , particularly in Section 4 ( current management practice options ) and Section 6.4 ( delivery options ). These should be considered as the starting point for development of the Implementation Plan .
On ground actions
� Develop and implement a coordinated extension and communication program to support shifts to whole of farm best management practice by :
- Development and agreement of priorities for targeting farms e . g . target the management units with farms greater than 1,000 ha which covers 15 per cent of the sugarcane area .
- Adoption of a whole of industry approach to the provision of extension and agronomic services , information support and capacity building .
- Translation and extension of agreed clear messaging between extension providers . - Provision of one-on-one extension services , including regular follow up . - Coordination of industry productivity group meetings ( geographically based ).
- Establishment and implementation of a ‘ Bridging the Gap ’ framework for validating science at local level , demonstrate the effectiveness of BMP and communicating water quality science to growers .
� Support improved irrigation practices and runoff management with incentives ( supported by long-term management agreements ) as required including :
- Services to assist farmers to capture information on water use and timing , and soil characteristics to guide options for irrigation management improvements . Utilisation of ‘ smart irrigation ’ tools for capturing this information such as IrrigWeb is recommended .
- Promotion of irrigation system change on soils where optimised furrow irrigation is inappropriate . - Adoption of irrigation scheduling tools .
- Upgrade of existing recycle pits and installation of infrastructure in strategically important locations to support runoff treatment and reuse .
- Development of riparian buffers and wetland restoration / construction in strategic locations .
� Encourage farmers to move along a path of continual improvement to nutrient management by progressively implementing Six Easy Steps based on district yield potential , then within productivity groups , followed by farm yields , block yields then within block yields . This approach would be combined with the impact on yield of time of harvest , stage in crop cycle , irrigation management , proximity to the start of the wet season and age of crop .
� Implement a targeted pesticide management program that focuses on management practices associated with product selection , application and timing .
� Support groundwater management through working in conjunction with the Lower Burdekin Groundwater Management Strategy being led by DNRME .
� Establish on-farm trials to support the extension and communication program by validating science at a local level and to demonstrate the effectiveness and profitability of best management practices .
� Extend water quality monitoring at a range of scales ( on-farm , sub-catchment , end of catchment ) to : - Improve understanding of N and pesticide loss pathways and their fate ;
- Improve understanding of the impact of different management practices on water quality ; Promote and demonstrate practices that reduce chances of losses ; and
- Share and extend results among Government , industry and growers .
� Work in conjunction with the Department of Environment and Science to align with the proposed auditing and reporting program required for the Great Barrier Reef Protection Regulations under the