SA Affordable Housing July / August 2017 // Issue: 65 | Page 27

BEYOND THE OBVIOUS INVESTING IN THE BUILDING BLOCKS OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING THE HOUSING IMPACT FUND SOUTH AFRICA (HIFSA) FOCUSES ON CREATING PROPERTIES TO SELL AND PROPERTIES FOR A RENTAL PORTFOLIO. We create commercially sustainable investments that improve access to affordable housing and have a large-scale impact with positive developmental outcomes. Combined with the right experience and depth of expertise, our non- obvious approach enables us to find and realise these opportunities, making us the largest alternative investment manager in Africa. Old Mutual Alternative Investments (Pty) Ltd is a licensed financial services provider, FSP No 45255, approved by the Registrar of Financial Services Providers ( to provide advisory and/or intermediary services in terms of the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act 37, 2002. Old Mutual Alternative Investments (Pty) Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Old Mutual Investment Group Holdings (Pty) Limited and is a member of the Old Mutual Investment Group. Contractual rights and obligations of investors are set out in the relevant investor agreements and or mandates. Unlisted investments have short term to long term liquidity risks and there are no guarantees on the investment capital nor on performance.Market fluctuations and changes in exchange rates as well as taxation may have an effect on the value, price, or income of investments and capital contributions. Since financial markets fluctuate, an investor may not recover the full amount invested. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future investment performance.