Declaration of the members of the African Union for Housing Finance ( AUHF )
by : www . auhf . co . za
The following declaration is from the annual general meeting held virtually on 5 november 2020
We , the members of the African Union for Housing
Finance , having met with colleagues from the public , private and NGO sectors from 73 countries over five days , and having held our 36th Annual General Meeting over a virtual platform on 5 November 2020 , express our commitment to supporting the realisation of the Sustainable Development Goals through investment into the delivery of affordable housing .
We note :
1 . The COVID-19 pandemic has brought into sharp focus the extreme inadequacy of housing occupied by the majority of urban households across Africa . Families living in overcrowded homes that are poorly built , with inadequate access to water and sanitation services , and with insecure tenure rights , are severely compromised in their ability to participate in the economy , in society , and to manage the very many threats that arise with increasing frequency . Perhaps more than ever , it has become clear that the quality , affordability and availability of housing sits at the centre of our ability to achieve at least fourteen of the Sustainable Development Goals .
2 . While governments have shifted their budgets to address the immediacy of the COVID-19 pandemic , the economic impact of the lockdown has been dramatic , putting further strain on resources , both financial and human . As our economies contract and poverty spreads , we understand the imperative for efficiency and effectiveness of our efforts : we have to do much more with much less .
3 . Housing must be a cornerstone of our economic recovery strategies in a post COVID-19 world . We have learned very many lessons in the course of managing the pandemic that stand us in good stead as we look forward towards a period of recovery . In particular , technological applications have brought us closer , and improved our ability to manage the intersection of the formal and informal in our housing economies . As we become familiar with our new , post- COVID world , we need to take these lessons with us in our efforts to address our housing challenges .
We appreciate : 1 . Rapid , unplanned urbanisation is putting particular pressure on our cities , and the surrounding environment , where the need for quality housing is the most acute . With an estimated 60 percent of urban households in Africa living in slums , the lack of access to basic services needs explicit support through regeneration and in situ upgrading efforts . The focus of SDG Target 11 is a call to action for us all , in the public and private sectors , and in the development community .
2 . Rental is the dominant form of tenure in most African cities , and yet it lacks explicit policy and regulatory support . The capacity of this sector , much of which is informal , and the quality of housing that it provides , can be improved and scaled through the development of an enabling policy framework that supports the efforts of the small scale landlord in particular .
3 . With the majority of housing being delivered by households and micro builders , the potential , latent capacity of what has been called the ‘ informal ’ sector , is a source of supply that can no longer be overlooked . We must recognise the ‘ massive small ’ potential of Africa ’ s housing sector , and accommodate the approach in the regulatory and policy frameworks that guide building activity , as well as in the products and services that we deliver .
4 . The economic opportunity in the housing sector is significant and offers very real potential for our post-COVID recovery strategies . Across the continent , housing construction , rental and housing services contribute as much as 16 percent to GDP , while creating both formal and informal employment opportunities . Our ability to grow to the scale required , however , requires that we adapt our approaches and make use of the evolving technological landscape . Innovation in industrial construction , blockchain application to land titling , green housing and value chain reprocessing offer the opportunity for African economies to show leadership in mainstreaming housing process that reduce cost , and improve quality and speed to market , driving transparency and sustainability . At the same time , creative short-term stimulus measures around housing , in the areas of land , housing finance , subsidies for construction and home improvement , and the rental market , can make a significant impact on economic recovery , particularly when directed at housing for low-income households .
30 JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2021 SAAffordHousing saaffordablehousingmag SA Affordable Housing www . saaffordablehousing . co . za